^*Steve Rogers ~ Couch Potato*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Sometimes when you wake up to make coffee in the morning, you find Steve on your couch.

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Finally. My first day off of work in the last 2 weeks. I have been at shield non stop because of the Hydra crisis. They wanted a full complete background check on me, meaning I had to redo everything they taught me and what I would stand for for Shield.

It is 11:23 am in the morning and I'm snuggled in my bed with a plan to do nothing today. All I want is coffee and tea and to watch the streets buzz by on my balcony, after all, living in New York is labeled the city that never sleeps.

I stretch out, get up, and drag the bed sheets with me. As I walk out into the living room/kitchen, I hear faint snoring, maybe it's my neighbors....unlikely. You walk into the living room and see Steve curled up in a blanket and sleeping. Cute. 

I walk away before he wakes up, so he doesn't see me staring at him like some weird guy. Coulson...haha. I make some extra coffee because of Steve, he has been crashing here because he doesn't want to be bothered by Tony on Sunday's, the day after Tony's wild parties. I haven't gone to one from what Steve explain, "The start of WW3" and he never jokes about wars...

"Morning!" Steve walks into the kitchen, I smile handing him some coffee. 

"What time did you get here last night?" I ask

"12:10, something like that."

I missed him. I wasn't home till like 3 am. How could I have missed Captain Fucking America on my couch in the middle of Brooklyn in the city that never sleeps...I need help.

But I nod, "Tony had another party, as usual?"

"No actually. He got sick, I just came here because I like it here."

"Steve, I have a guest bedroom. I can clean it out today and you can live here."

"No, I couldn't burden you like that"

"I wouldn't mind."

"You don't have to clean out the room, I can."

"So, you're moving in?"


"Sweet. Let me get into something a little worky, I don't think PJ's is the right thing."  

Steve mumbles, "I don't mind them."


"Do you want breakfast?"



I change into some sweatpants and a T-shirt, casual which is a change. 

"I hope I'm not distracting you because of the move in."

"No, I had no plans anyway...which sounds totally lame now that I say it." I laugh

"Day off?"

"Finally, after...stuff happened."

"Yeah, sorry I wasn't there to help fight.."

"You helped, that's what counts."

"Not enough."

"More than I could."


I shake my head and open the door to Steve's new bedroom. It's almost as big as yours, but the closet is a bit smaller. It's crowded with boxes, or moving packages, "Sorry about the mess. I didn't want to unpack this stuff. It's....junk. We can just throw it out."

"What are in the boxes?"

"Just junk. Baby clothes...Albums...Wait! Don't throw out this brown box!"

"Why what's in it?

"Memories I guess."

Steve opens the box and finds a bunch of pictures of you and your sisters. "Big family?"

"Yeah." I smile slightly, "I don't like talking about them."

"May I ask why?"

"Everyone has their stories. I'll tell you later. Now, come on! Let's clean this bedroom!" I smile


This day was filled with fun. Pillow fights, funny jokes, cleaning puns, the home run. Steve and I ran and got ice cream from Speedway down the street. It turns out we like the same ice cream.

"Are you sure you should be eating Ice Cream Super Soldier?"

"I eat more than this all the time."

"And what? You become a mountain of muscle?"

"Pretty much."

I punch him on his arm, "Whatever, that is some awesome stuff."

"Okay, I told you my life story. What's yours?"

"Fair. When I was little I was adopted by a family of 6, hence many sisters, no boys, which was hell! I mean, I would have wanted one sane man in the house to stop the fighting. Haha. We stuck together till we had to go to college."

"Not far from being recruited by Shield." Steve comments

"Yeah, Junior year of college, I was trying to become a detective."

"Shield hired you because you had the highest score on a test?"

"No, my parents had a disagreement with someone for the opposite team. Most kids were taken, and I just happened to come to the good side."

"Shield and Hydra?"

I nod, "They don't remember me. One did but died. I forgot their names."

"You forgot their names?" Steve shifts

"Ever heard of the forgotten Soldier?"

He shakes his head no.

"Told you. Anyway, everything is good now. Umm, how are we going to get your mattress here at 1 am in the morning?"

"I'll just take the couch"

"NO! I mean, no, Steve, just take my room."

"I couldn't do that."

"It's fine."

"I have a compromise!"

That night Steve and I slept together...no sex..just cuddles. That bedroom became stuffed the next day because Steve and I decided that sleeping together is company and it keeps the monsters out of our heads.

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