^*Bucky Crusing On You Would Include....*^

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• Being a SHIELD agent before it fell

• Being friends with Steve and the Avengers

• Being his closest friend (that is a girl)

• Steve coming to you if he can't calm Bucky down

• "Babysitting" him while Steve and the team is out on a mission

• "Babysitting" usually consists of catching him up on Netflix shows and Disney movies while cuddling on the couch

• Bucky blushing every time you call him Bucky Bear or sweetie

• Bucky getting mad when he sees Tony try to hit on you

• Tony getting a bit fidgety when he sees Bucky glaring at him from across the room

• Bucky pretending to be your boyfriend when there is a guy hitting on you and won't back off when you tell him you're not interested

• The other guy being scared when he notices Bucky's metal arm and runs away

• Bucky calling you in the middle of the night when he has a nightmare or can't sleep

• You getting flustered when he calls you doll

• Steve asking  you to move into the Avengers Tower because Bucky is more at ease when you're around

• Having your room right next to Bucky's

• You running into his room when you hear him scream in the middle of the night

• You being a bit flustered when you see him shirtless around the tower

• Him not knowing that you have a crush on him too

• Endless cuddling when one of you don't feel good

• Forehead kisses

• Top of the head kisses

• You always kissing his metal hand's knuckles when he is insecure about his arm

• Awkward Bucky

• People thinking you're already dating making you and him turn into a blushing mess

• You playing it off by kissing him on the cheek

• His face turning even more red from that

• You getting love notes slipped under your door from a secret admire

• The secret admire being Bucky

• Bucky not believing Tony when he tells him you have a crush on him

• You not believing Steve when he tells you Bucky has a crush on you

• Bucky getting teased when you fall asleep on him when the team has their weekly movie night

• You getting teased by the team when he falls asleep on you during one of the movie nights

• Bucky being protective of you

• Teasing from the team when they find out you like each other

• Natasha setting you guys up on a blind date together

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