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Bucky Barnes a.k.a The Winter Soldier

Imagine Steve assigning you to catch Bucky up on history he's missed and he breaks down

(Inspired by a Tumblr post)

Fluff, mentioning of bad events in history (ex. Holocaust, 9/11, etc.)


Your Apartment

"What are you catching him up on today?" Steve questions as Bucky sits down on the couch.

"Uhh... more of the sadder things that happened after the war." You faintly smile. "Do you think he can handle it?"

"Maybe." He admits. "He's been getting better but he has his moments at times."

"Then, should I do something more happy then? I coul--"

"No, it's fine." Steve waves it off. "I'll be on a mission with Sam and Natasha, so if you have any problems, my earpiece is in. If it gets too much, do the stuff that Bruce taught the two of you to calm Buck down."

"I know, I know." You turn him around.

"He hasn't eaten dinner yet, so you'll have to feed him. I might be back in time so he might have to sleep over." He keeps talking as you push him out the door.

"He's not a dog, Steve. I can handle him." You cross your arms over your chest as he sighs.

"I know but I just worry about him."

"Steve, he'll be fine." You assure. "The worst thing that could happen is that you'll be late for your mission."

Steve's eye widen and he checks his watch.

"Son of a gun." He runs down the hallway towards the stairs.

You just laugh while closing the door and heading over to Bucky who is just sitting on the couch.

"Ready for our lesson, Buck?" You clap your hands together, getting his attention.

"Uhh.. yeah." He nods as sits at the edge of his seat.

You honestly love these lessons with Bucky. It's brought you closer to him and it makes a connection that only you two have. You trust Bucky and he trusts you. And with Bucky, he can't really trust a lot of people. He tries to make you laugh during them and successful does so. But it doesn't help the major crush you have on him.

"So, the Holocaust was one of the most horrible things that happened in the world's history." You gulp.

Talking about this makes you kind of choked up since you've lost grandparents to it and just because it's a horrible thing that happened.

"What was it about?" Bucky questions.

"Well..." You look up to meet his icy eyes filled with curiosity. "It was one of the things that happened during World War II, but it was till after the war when we found out actually how much damage it caused." You explain.

"So, during the war, Germany had these concentration camps where they kept Jews because the Nazis thought they were superior to them..." You take a deep breath. "So, by the time the war was over and we calculated how many Jews were killed or died it was too late. There was too many... Six million to be exact."

Bucky's mouth opens slightly as he takes a deep breath and bites his lip.


"September 11, 2001." You start. "A series of four terrorists by al-Qaeda, a Mid-Eastern terrorist group. They hijacked four planes. Two out of four of those planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York and killed a couple thousand people. The third plane crashed into the Pentagon in Virginia. Which collapsed part of the western side, luckily.

"The last place was going for the White House but the passengers stormed the cockpit making the terrorist crash into a field in Pennsylvania." You notice Bucky's eyes get a bit watery but don't say anything. "Almost 3,000 lives were taken including the 19 hijackers."

Bucky just shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair.

"But on the good side on May 2, 2011, we killed the leader of al-Qaeda in Pakistan." You give him a sheepish smile.

"But that doesn't change that almost 3,000 people died!" Bucky counters in a low, unsteady voice.


"The most recent terrorist attack was on November 13, 2015 in Paris but you already know about that."

"But that was by a different terrorist group, right?" Bucky questions.

"Yes, it was done by ISIS." You nod.
"Oh my god." Bucky throws his body back into the couch with his hands on his face. "How many people died?"

"About 130."

"Jesus." He sighs. "That's almost as much people I killed. But the difference is that they're still going." He sits back up. "Al-Qaeda killed that many people just by driving a plane into a tower. ISIS could follow in their footsteps and try to go for something bigger!" He exclaims.

"And I did similar things to that while I was the Winter Soldier, (Y/N)." He looks you in the eye as tears form. "I killed scientists that were trying to make the world a better place, I killed political figures that were just trying to make their country better, I killed people who were just a threat to Hydra, no one else's." He lists as tears start to go down his face.

"I almost killed the leader of an organization that just wants to control those threats. I made a tower collapse, I killed dozens of people, I've committed crimes against this country, MY country!" He breaks down, making you cry. "How am I better than those people, (Y/N)? I've done almost as much damage as they have."

"Bucky. You are better than those people." You assure while taking a hold of his hands. "You didn't choose to do those things, you were forced to. The people who did those attacks, had a choice to not join that group, to not do those attacks." You rub your thumbs across his metal knuckles.

"You were forced into become this. They chose to become the people that they are and they can't change that. But you can change yourself into becoming the good person that you deserve." You try to smile through the tears for him since it breaks your heart to see him like this.

"And it kills me to see you like this. So, don't compare yourself to those people, Buck. They're nothing like you and you're nothing like them. Okay?"

Bucky nods and pulls you in for a hug.

After the long hug, he pulls back and looks you straight into the eye.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He whispers before giving you a kiss on the lips. "Thank you."

First Bucky imagine of the book! I (Meowlnir) will be writing the Bucky imagines while Fandom_Hero will be writing the Steve Imagines.

~ Fandoms_Hero

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