^*Steve Rogers ~ Its The Mission*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

You have to flirt your way through a mission and Steve hates it.


"Hi. I was wondering if I could sit here." I smile to the man, my mission to get information off of him.

"Uh, sure. There's other places to sit-" He starts

"I couldn't help but notice your sitting her alone."

"Your saying I have no friends?" He snarls

"No. I'm just hoping to be one of them." I bat my eyelashes.

"Well, pretty lady......"

The night goes on and I get the information out of him I need meeting Steve on the booth while the man tips out of here.

"Okay. Did you get everything he said?" I smile and Steve nods but doesn't smile back. "What's up?"

"Nothing. We should head back to the hotel, get some shut eye."

"Don't you want to get something to eat?" I question as my tummy grumbles.

"We have food back at the hotel." Steve snarls

"Okay. Jeez. What's your problem?"

"My problem? Ha." Steve gets up and starts to walking out of he bat and I follow.

"What the hell?" I inquire as I stop him on the sidewalk.

"Is it easy for you, flirting? I mean do you flirt with everyone we meet?"

"Steve, that's the mission! Are-are you jealous?"

"No, just don't want you to lead on the team about your daily routine."

I slap him, "How dare you say that to me. I do not flirt with everyone. It's called being nice, you should try it sometime. The only person I was flirting with was you. Now, if you feel that way, I guess I'll just stop."

"I-I had no idea...." Steve shudders.

I scoff and start walking away before Steve pulls me back, "I didn't mean what I said."

"Then why'd you say that?" I glare

"Because I'm jealous!"

"W-what? Steve-"

"I just....I kind of like you." Steve scratches the back his neck.

"Well...I kinda like you too."

Steve slides his hand into mind and we head home to a wonderful night....if you know what I mean....;->

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