^*Cruising With Bucky Would Include....*^

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• "Bucky Bear"

• "Doll"

• Steve third wheeling like back in the 40's

• Jarvis notifying you when Bucky is "distressed"

• You comforting him when he has nightmares

• You finally convincing him to share a bed with after a few months of dating

• Him being hesitate about his metal arm at first but warming up to it after your numerous times of telling him you love it

• Him being nervous when meeting your Dad (your mom died after giving birth to your youngest sister)

• Your dad loving him, saying how he finally has another man in the family (you have three sisters)

• Your old sister thinking he's cute and shameless flirting with Bucky, but he ignores it

• Bucky letting your younger sister (6 years old) use expo markers to draw on his metal arm and put magnets on it too

• The two of moving out after sharing a room in Avengers Tower for a month

• Tony and Natasha being the reason you move out because of their endless teasing and pointing out when you guys kissed or cuddled on the sofa

• Steve having a key to the apartment

• Steve being blinded by having a key to the apartment, if you get what I mean 😏

• "I love you more that Tony Stark loves Tony Stark."

• SAM somehow letting it slip that Bucky is going to propose to you

• Bucky finding out that you know and proposing to you during a movie night

• Bucky ignoring Sam for a month

• Intense video game competitions between you two

• Prank wars

• Steve and Sam accidentally getting in the crossfire

• Pranking Tony

• Endless cuddle sessions

New A/N will be coming soon!

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