^*Bucky Barnes ~ Reverse*^

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

You are the winter soldier instead of Bucky. Being the Winter Soldier has it's major downs, you have nightmares. You have nightmares all the time and flashbacks and hallucinations but Bucky decides to help you with it.

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"I remember all of them", continues to echo throughout my mind as faces of people I've murdered come to face me. They would all sit in front of me and explain their life, how it was great till I came along. Soon, they were all screaming and yelling. Then... BANG! I have a sniper rifle in my hand and I shoot everyone of them. The last one was the worst. I stood outside myself, watching take aim with no hesitation and fire, the little girl, dead.

I spring up yelling in my sleep, sweat dripping down my face. Yet another nightmare. Two in the morning.

Bucky busts in my room, looking around the area seeing if anyone is attacking me. To be honest, no one would dare try. I rub my face as Bucky slowly takes a spot at the end of my bed.

"Another nightmare?" Buck questions.

"They keep getting worse and worse. I-I don't know if I can handle this anymore, they should just put me back in cryo-freeze." I explain

"Hey. No, no, no. I'm here for you, I will always be here for you." Bucky smiles getting closer to me.

"And I love you for that Buck but wherever I go, whatever I do. Everything reminds me of them. Why me? Why'd I have to become this monster?"

"You're not a monster."

I move over leaving room  for Bucky to come lay with me. When he does I don't have nightmares but I can tell when he leaves  because I start to have nightmares again. Bucky comes next to me and I lay down facing him moving my hands under my head, him doing the same.

"Want to talk about something?"

"Like what?"

"Like when Steve, you, and I were still children?"

"Maybe another time, tomorrow. Can you stay with me for breakfast?"

He nods and smiles, "Yes."

I turn over to the other side and I hear him move under the covers. I feel an arm around my waist and a warm breath of the back of my head.

"But the arm-" I start

"You won't hurt me, you never have and never will. You don't hurt people anymore, (y/n). If anything, when you walk through these halls, you are saying, 'My name is (Y/n) and I survived what Hydra did to me and I'm growing stronger everyday.'"

"You really think that, Buck?"

"Everytime I see you."

I take one of his free hands and hold it close, never wanting to let go.

The best thing about sleeping with Bucky is that I don't get a full nightmare, not one. It usually ends up being the end of one when Buck leaves but this time he didn't leave. The most amazing thing is when the end was Happy. They all forgave me. They didn't scream and yell. The people standing before me said in Unison, "For it was not you who was pulling the strings, we forgive you."

I open my eyes to see them wandering on Bucky's still sleeping face. My head was on his chest listening to his heartbeat and it was damn steady. My favorite heart beat in the world. Bucky sleeps easily, so when I try to get up he pulls me back down and whispers, "Stay"

"But breakfast." I whine.

I streches, "Fine, but there has to be pancakes. We are staying here unless there are pancakes."


"That one time you pushed Steve's head into the cake?" Bucky laughs

"Yeah! I still ate the cake..it was so good."

"That's because Sara made it."

"Hey..I helped get the frosting!" I point the pancake I was eating at him. He held up his hands all playfully in games.

"No, you had a frosting war with me if I remember correctly!" He took the syrup and aimed it like he was going to squirt it at me.

I throw a pancake at Bucky, it lands square in his face.

"THIS IS WAR!" He shouts. Squeezing the syrup getting it all over me.

We ended up having a pancake war till I was out of Batter and syrup. That day was awesome because it didn't end in a nightmare.

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