^*Steve Rogers ~ PREGERS?*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Your pregnant and haven't told Steve yet....


A positive. The plus sign is a sign saying that there is a human being growing inside of I. Weird to think about right? This is like the second time him and I have fondued and here I am with the jackpot sitting in my hands. I am pregnant.

How? How am I going to tell Steve? How can I tell the man I have known for 6 years that we have a baby on the way? What if he doesn't want the baby? He is an old fashion man after all, I mean, he had to understand that this might happen right?

"Are you coming out of the bathroom any time soon? I really need to pee." Tony knocks on the door

"Yeah!" I say and throw the test down the toilet. Tony rushes past me and I am thrown out of the bathroom.

"Nat?! Have you seen Steve?"

"Yeah. Down in the training room. Punch the sand out of the sand bag, he looks like he is going to kill someone."

Great. My boyfriend is mad, probably at himself. I run down the stairs to the training room and there he is. I knock on the door but no answer, I watch as he damages the punching bag one punch after another. Do I want him to be my husband? All the anger left up inside of him...it's dangerous.

"Steve?" I attempt to get his attention but he doesn't stop. I throw a towel past his face and he finally stops. He looks back and sees me and smiles, "What are ya doing down here?"

"I needed to talk to you."


I bite my lip, "It's about the relationship and the future. I know this sounds like a bad talk or topic but it depends on how you think about it."

"Are you trying to break-"

"NO! No, it's just that, I know you want to be married before you have children and everything-"

"Wait, you're pregnant?"

"Y-yes, and I totally understand if you want some-" I get interrupted by sweaty arms around me, spinning me.

"Really? Is it a boy or a girl or..will it have super powers?" Steve smiles

"Your happy?"

"YES! Let's go talk to Tony about this, we need to know what to expect."

Any Steve requests????

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