^*Netflix and Chill~Steve*^

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Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America

Steve needs advice on how to ask (y/n) out, he goes to Tony.


You put a plate of pancakes in front of the avengers and they took all of them. Leaving none for you and Steve, people still wanted more so you continued to cook. A panting Steve runs in and grabs a water bottle from the fridge and joins the hungry Avengers at the breakfast table.

"Capsicle, your going to have to wait for seconds because your trying to stay healthy and all" Tony jokes

"This is good food, I like it" Thor states, "more?"

"How's the run?" You questioned Steve

"Good. Met, Mr. Neck. Really nice guy, he wants us to come over sometime"


"Yeah, I might of mentioned you and he want to meet you"

Recently, Steve has found a place in Brooklyn and the place is owned by Mr. Neck. He's a really nice guy and has a thing for the Avengers, he wanted Steve to stay for free but Steve insisted on paying the Old fashion way. You think it's sweet, Steve being the Heroic hero he is.

You and Steve are best friends, it's the 'if there is a situation we both agree on I will back you up', kinda friendship. Then there's the part where you both act like fangirls because of the show Political Animals, Steve wanted to watch it on Netflix and it's been his favorite ever since. He really likes  this guy whose real name is Sebastian Stan but your not that much into him. Steve is trying to get you to like him by making points throughout the day. Sometimes you both will train and make jokes together, you both act as if a couple but your sad that you aren't. You think Steve doesn't want a relationship right now, being new and all. 

You set a plate of more pancakes on the table and watched as all the Avengers gobbled them up. Sometimes, you would catch Steve staring at you, but just as you would look at him, he would look away. After people were done eating, everyone went there separate ways. Natasha and Bruce went to the lab, Barton left to go see Laura, surprisingly Steve and Tony walked of together and Thor just sat there, not moving or knowing we're to go.

"You like Steve, yes?" Thor asks

"What gave it away?" You sigh

"Romance and Love has much to do with my history, and what I see between you and him, reminds me of my parents. I wish you luck" Thor states and walks out of the building.


You put the last plate in the dishwasher, smiling that you wouldn't have to cook again for another week or so. You take some Orange juice and sit down to watch some TV, Barton comes back and joins you, after all he his your brother.

"Sup, sis?" Barton asks

"Tired. How about you?"

"I feel the same. Turn on the news"

You do as he says and watch the news for 15 minutes before being interrupted by Tony.

"I am having a awesome ass party! Who's coming?" Tony questions

"I have this thing...at a friends house...it's very important" You improvise.

"Yeah, Laura and I are just going to hang-out" Barton admits

Then Steve walks into the room with a dark blue under armor shirt that shows off his abs and HUGE muscles. You face turns so red and you can't help but smile, so you start to drink the rest of your orange juice, so now one would really notice. Barton raises an eyebrow, wondering if something is about to go down but Tony shakes his head.

"Sorry, Tony. She is going to be busy with me" Steve states

"Since when?"

"Since the Netflix and Chill you promised" Steve winks. You kinda slouch down in the sofa and ignored Clint's reaction.

"When did that happen?" Clint comments

"It's always been there"

"Before I kill you Rogers, how many times have you had sex, so I know how many arrows I can put in your heart" Barton smiles evilly

Steve's cocky face disappeared and Tony ran into another room, holding himself from laughing.

Natasha entered the room and sensed the anger and intensity it held. She cocked her eyebrow, "what did Tony do?" She took a sip of her drink.

"Rogers has been Netflix and Chilling with (y/n)!!!" Barton stands with a spork in his hand, where the hell did he get that? Natasha spits out her drink.

"Steve, I wouldn't take you for the sort of man, coming from the 1940's and all" Natasha laughs

"I...ummm...Well, Netflix and Chill..is well..funny story" Steve laughs nervously pulling at his collar. You notice him sweating a bit and has a confused look on his face. He ripped his shirt off revealing his whole upper body. You have to look away, so you don't do anything stupid.

"Yeah, it's going to be when I gauge your eyeballs out" Clint darkens

"Steve, do you even know what Netflix and Chill is?" You squeak, feeling like there is a huge amount of dust in your throat.

"A date? This is what it is called these days, is it not?"

Clint flops back on the couch, obviously relieved that you and Steve didn't...y'know.

"Did Tony do this?" Nat asks


You jump over the couch and hug Steve, he wanted to go out with you. You thought it was romantic, that he even went to Tony for help.

"I would love to go on a date with you" You smile and kiss his lips. "Before we do, I am going to kick Tony's flap-jack ass" You leave the room, watching Clint as he stares Steve down who is slowly backing out of the room.


Any requests? Because I want to know what you want to read! Meowlnir is going to update soon! DM me so we can discuss stuff.

Thanks guys!

Also, did you get the POLITICAL ANIMALS thing? Huh...huh...did ja? GET IT?!?!?



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