^*Avengers ~ Insane*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America
Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

I can't believe we all walked right into a trap. Something so simple, something so stupid got the Avengers. That's what we get for over thinking!

"I here your fond of the 16 year old girl." One of the Hydra agents smile to the rest of the Avengers. "It would be so horrible if something happened to her."

What the hell did I do? I didn't do anything!

"Let her go, she's just a kid." Tony demands

"That's the best part! Configuring some ones mind, like a teenagers, is the best experiment!"

Yes, I'm the 16 year old girl. I'm frightened, I want out. I never wanted to come here in the first place. This is Fury's fault.

Tears were falling down my face, I couldn't help it, "Please stop."

"I will......bring her fourth."

I resisted as much as I could, not much left in me with all the sedatives. I was locked into a restraining table, unable to move. Something was put in my mouth so I wouldn't but down to hard.

I just want to go home.

"Tony, give us a lesson on Shock Therapy." The hydra agent commanded.

"No! Don't!"

Nothing else came through, the cells were muted, nothing came through. I looked at what I could see, all of them trying to save me.

"330 volts? Doesn't sound to bad for the first try."

Pain shot through me, I tried to scream but nothing came out. Pain, pain, pain. 13 minutes of it. Then it stopped.

Lets go for a ride!

Something echoed from inside my head. Another voice.

Hello, Madness!

Beside the voice in my head I didn't feel quite different, I tried to hide it but the Hydra agent found it. Here we go again!

"402 volts. Could kill ya! Might not tho! Not till later about an hour or so. I'm going to go enjoy some food. You can unstrap her, she's not going anywhere fast."

Every guard left and the Avengers cells were un-muted. I could hear the voices again.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Loki asks. Loki is on the team for today. I guess, I mean, yeah.

I slowly sat up, I want to laugh and cry and scream and shout but I couldn't. I didn't want to. I nodded.

"We have to get out of here! I got a plan!" Natasha states. As the Avengers talked in code I just sat there.....not wanting to do anything.

About an hour later the Hydra agent came back in, "Well, last round!"

Everything that happened the first time, same thing that happened this time but with more power. I thought the Hydra agent was going to turn the machine off but the Avengers popped out of the cage and got me out of that trap with a two extra minutes added to the time frame. I blacked out.

Wake up! Let's play!

Let's have some fun! Come on!

I sit up in my old room.....boring. What the hell? My style was way off of what I should really be!

I could make my own clothes, sadly, all my fun pointy object stabber things are gone. Sad. I open the door of my room to reveal the old Avengers hallway, I skip down the hallway into the commons area where the Avengers are gathered.

"(Y/n) how ya feeling?" Bruce questions.

I smile widely, "Just fine SweatyPop!"

Most of the Avengers smiles fell, they knew the old me wasn't here.

"Don't get your spandex in a twist, I'm still little old me. Just funnier and crazier and all sorts of fun."

"You had over 400 volts of electricity sore throughout your body!" Clint yells

"No need to get loud SweatyPop!"

Part 2????

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