^*Locked Out ~ Bucky*^

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Post-Winter Solider Bucky Barnes

You forgot/lost your key...

Warning: Swearing


Your Apartment

You put your hands in your pocket, looking for your keychain but find nothing.

"Not again." You mumble, stuffing your hands in all your other pockets but still find nothing.

You sigh and pull out your phone.

"I'm never going to hear the end of this." You groan tapping the contact.

Avengers Tower
Conference Room

"Hello?" Bucky answers the phone.

"I'm such a fucking idiot." Is the first thing you say.

"Speaker, (Y/N)." He sighs looking around at the table of Avengers holding back their laughs and remarks.

"I don't fucking give a shit, Barnes." You retort a bit bitterly. "This is the fifth time this week, I need you right now."

Well most of the Avengers holding back their remarks...

"If you need someone right now, I'm free." Tony smirks, Bucky shoots him a 'subtle' death glare.

"Not in that way, you manwhore." You sneer. "Bucky has an extra key to my apartment which I kind of need right now."

Bucky sighs and facepalms.

"Did you lose your key again?" He questions.

Your end of the line goes silent for a bit.

"Yeah..." You sigh, not proud of yourself at all.

The team starts laughing besides Steve and Bucky---Steve didn't laugh of course, because he's actually nice.

"Did you check under the rock?" Bucky asks remembering your place to hide the spare key incase this happened again... which it did.

"Uhhh..." You walk over to the rock next to the door, kicking it revealing a key. "OH!" You bend down a pick it up. "Forgot about that, thanks Buck."

"No problem."

You turn to the door and insert the key in, well try to since it doesn't fit.

"This is a key to your apartment." You realize. "Must have accidentally put yours there thinking it was mine."

"Nice going." You hear Tony mumble, but you roll it off.

"Can you come and unlock the door, please?" You pout into the into the phone.

"We're in the middle of a mission briefing, (Y/N)." Tony says. "Can you wait like...a half an hour or so?"

You let out a long, exaggerated groan.


"Just stay in your car until I can come." Bucky commands.

"I don't have my car, remember it's in the shop."

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