*^Bucky ~ hydra agent*^

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

You are a hydra agent and you run into Bucky when he invades the hydra base looking for you. You were brainwashed.


"Hide the asset!" A Hydra agent yells in a heavy accent. "The Avengers are infiltrating the base!" He reports, walking towards you.

"What do you want us to do with her?" Another agent questions as the others scramble around you.

"Put her in cryo then get her to the jet. Emergency evac!" He commands, the agents do as said.

They unlatch the belts holding your arms to the chair as the headpiece to the brainwashing machine lifts up. You spit out the mouth piece, a thing that happens every time you are fresh from a brainwash.

"Hurry! Hurry!" The head agent yells as the others put a heavy duty cuff on your hands so if you get any ideas you can't escape like you tried last time.

The agents and scientists lead you down a familiar hallway. You hear the sounds of guns going off and small grenades blowing up but it doesn't even phase you by now.

As you get closer and closer to the cryo freeze chamber, the four out of five of the agents that were escorting collapse after hearing a silent shot of a gun.

"Сукин сын." The head agent mumbles as he turns around. "Оставайся здесь." He commands you, upholstering his gun and raising it up. (Son of a bitch; Stay here.)

"Where else can I go?" You mumble to yourself under your breath so the man won't hear you.

The agent looks down the hallway to see no one there. He lowers his gun a bit to get a better look, making sure he isn't missing something. When he feels like the coast is clear, he nods his head towards you.

"Продолжайте двигаться перемещение вперед по направлению к крио." He demands, still keeping an eye out for a threat. "Попробуйте что-нибудь , и я разнесу твою голову." (Keep moving forward towards the cryo; Try anything and I'll blow your head off.)

You nod (even though you know that's an empty threat) and make your way down the hallway.


You hear a quiet whoosh and a loud clank that causes you to turn around just in time to see a blue and white shield hit the Hydra agent next to you.

You look down at the agent to see his nose bleeding but he's not knocked out.

"-Inert Russian-" The agent yells up at you. (Why are you just standing there? Help me up!)

You do as you are told and help him up as best as you can with having your hands cuffed.

But as soon as he's stable on his feet, he gets shot in the head causing him to fall down.

"Stay behind me." A familiar voice whispers to someone. "I don't want you to scare her off."

"Wow, thanks, Buck." The person sarcastically responds.

"You know what I mean." The other sighs.

"Yeah." He nods and you finally look over to them. You turn your head and furrow your eyebrows at them.

"-Insert Russian-" The brunette with the metal arm says, taking a few careful steps closer to you causing you to step back. "(Y/N)." He says your real name and you clench your jaw. (We're not here to hurt you.)

You don't say anything. You're just frozen in place as you try to place the face with the name for the guy with the metal arm. You are also trying to figure out how he knows your name. You barely even remember your name so how does he know.

"(Y/N), I told you I would come back and I'm here." The brunette continues as he takes slower steps towards you. "So, come with us and we can have the happy life you wanted back when we first met."

Few Years Before

"Do you remember your name?" The Winter Soldier questions as the two of you lay in your shared cell that you only use when you're out of cryo.

"What do you mean?" You ask in a noticeable Russian accent, turning your head to look over at him as he lays on the crappy twin mattress that matches yours.

"Do you remember your actual name?" He repeats, only this time he sits up. "Before all this." He gestures to the four concrete walls and metal door surrounding us.

You dig in your memories for a second. Theres one name that pops up.

"I think..." You focus on your thoughts again like you almost forgot it. "I think it's (Y/N)."

"Well, if it is, it's beautiful." He manages to give you a little smile. Something you never see around here. "I'm pretty sure my name is Bucky."

"Bucky?" You quirk up an eyebrow.

"Or James." He adds. "I feel like Bucky was a nickname."


You two go silent for a few seconds.

"If we weren't in here do you think we would have happy lives?" You ask him.

"I think I would be dead, honestly." He admits making you snort. "What about you?"

"Yeah." You nod. "I hope if we get out of here I do."

"Well." Bucky/James sighs. "If I get out of here before you, I will come back and get you. After that, we can have that happy life together."

"Together?" You smirk.

"Together." He confirms.

Flashback Over

You shake your head as the memory comes to mind. It's a little hazy but you remember the important part. Tears brim your eyes and you collapse as other memories come with it.

Bucky runs towards as you fall, catching you when your knees are about to hit the ground.

"Shh." He coos as you start to sob in his arms. Everything you've done, everything they've done to you, coming to realization. "It's fine."

"It's not fine." You say, your Russian accent coming heavier because of the crying. "Bucky, I did those things to people without any hesitation! I--"

"--You were brainwashed. You didn't have a choice." He corrects. "But, now you don't to anymore. I'm here. I promised I would come back for you and I did. Now we can live free and have that happy life together."

You smile at him through the tears. All the words sinking in and becoming a future not a dream anymore.

"I love you, Bucky." You say.

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He says back, leaning down and giving you a kiss that you sure as hell won't forget.

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