^*Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes x Reader ~ Ghost Rider*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America
Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

You made a deal with the devil, which was stupid. But you did. The Team doesn't know and you don't want them to know. Steve invites you over for dinner with the team...things do end well. (Steve and Bucky aren't together) ;(


Yes. I made a deal with the devil. I know you would say that it was stupid, and it was, but at the time, I didn't think so. If you loved someone and didn't want them to die or you've wanted to save your family from their deaths, you would've stopped it too. Don't shake your head no nor tell yourself in the mind that you wouldn't make a deal. You and I both know that's not true.

I thought I saved them, my mom and dad. Turns out the devil found or made a loop whole in the contract saying he would 'give his best efforts'.

"You lied to me!", I scream at him.

"I did not! I said I would give it my effort!"

"Your the devil, you could've had more effort."

The devil chuckles, "Yeah, well, it was what I was feeling."

I try to run at him, stupid move, but he just waved his hand and slammed me into a wall. Vision is a little blurry, but I can see him kneeling in front of me.

"What I did for you was a gift. Took the one thing that was holding you back and now your free. I gave you power that you crave deep inside. With it I need you to do something for me. Destroy my son and his pests of friends, and I will take the gift back."

I scoff, "What gift? How can I stop the Devil's son with it?"

He stands up, "All in good time." Then he is gone, never to be seen again till I fix the mess he made.

That was a very long time ago, and I have been fine ever since. Whatever curse he put on me was just to scare the shit out of my pants. It did till I realized it was a hoax. I wake up on my couch in my living room from the familiar ring of my phone. My house. I pick up the ringing phone to hear one of my friends.

"Hey! (Y/n), how's it going?" Steve Rogers, Captain America, asks.

"Huh, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. What you calling for?"

"Well, Tony Stark is having a party. Not a crazy party, you could call it a gathering. Are you in?"

"Uh, sure. Why not?"

"Great! Party is at 6."

"Awesome! When did Captain America learn how to use a phone?"

"One of my friends helped me, Scott. You'll see him there too!"

Bucky or Steve?

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