^*Steve Rogers ~ Sister*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

You are related to Tony and Steve asked you out. You say yes and try to leave before Tony finds out....


"I will see you later." I wave and try to rush to the elevator in time not to be stopped by Tony, but my plan failed.

"Where Art Thou Hethering?" Tony comes into the living room.

"You hang around Thor way to much. I am just going to the coffee shop."

"With who?"

"Do see any one with me?" I glare.

"You might be meeting someone."

"And that's your business because?"

"I'm your big brother and I don't want you to meet a random stranger on the street and get kidnapped."

"Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

Tony shrugs, "I just don't want you dating older men."

This probably means that Tony knows. He knows that Steve and I are going out to get coffee and spend the day with him. We have had a spark since we've met. It's just different with him, he's nice and sweet and old fashion and different and I love him. Well, like strongly. Apparently Steve has had his eyes on me for a while and vis versa. Wanda just helped push the relationship where it needed to be.

"Older men?"

"Yeah, like over 80." 

I laugh, "So you would be okay if I dated a 50 year old other than dating a 27 year old? Who is my age and we have a lot in common?"

"Well, just not over 90, that's where I draw my line."

"Right. Well, I'm gonna go now."

Coffee Shop

"Yeah. With all the technology around me, I don't like it. I have a big fear that some day it will like destroy itself and everything else." I joke making Steve laugh.

"You're nothing like Tony, you're just-"

"Fun and not a smart ass?"

Steve nods and laughs some more. 

After the coffee Steve and I head back to Stark tower to find Tony sitting there waiting for us to walk right through the door. 

Part 2 later

Next couple chapters are going to be me trying to finish all the rest of the part 2 worthy chapters. For now, Requests are CLOSED


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