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Post(ish)- Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes

Prompt: You find Bucky at the Smithsonian while out with the team

(A/N): I pretty much took this from a book idea I had written out but had no intention of pursuing So I just changed the characters name to (Y/N) and changed the 'I' and 'my' to 'you' and 'your', and for that reason sorry for some grammar mistakes.




"Steve why do you always drag us here when we let you pick a place to go?" Tony whines.

"Shut up, Stark. At least he doesn't drag us to a bar." Natasha sasses.

"Or to the training room." You grumble under your breath.

"Excuse me." Nat looks at you.

"Oh, nothing." You smile at her. She scoffs while shaking her head at you.

"I'm going to watch the video clips in the room by the SSR section." Steve announces.

"I'm gonna go look at the guns." Nat adds.

"I'ma scoop out the babes." Tony wanders off.

"Going with Nat." Clint says.

"Commandos." You start to walk off towards a random exhibit.


You wander off to the Howling Commandos area. The Howling Commandos always have fascinated you, to be honest.

When Barton and Natasha were sent to find you a year after Barton saved Nat, you were an assassin. They saved you from a little situation that you got your self in and took you back to SHIELD. After you learned to not be always on guard, you met Rogers since he woke up around the time you got to SHIELD.

Rogers always talked the "good ol' days" and how everything was so different. How in Brooklyn they were always scared that they were going to get bombed by the Nazis or any of the other Axis powers at any moment. And then it seemed like there was no threat to be worried about.

So you was kind of drawn to him as in friendship wise not a romantic way because you felt the same way at the time. Everything was so new at SHIELD. You always had to be on guard while you were taking out a target with Natasha then on your own for a year so you wouldn't get killed in the process or that your cover wasn't blown.

So the two of you became friends during the time you were both getting used to SHIELD. He was adjusting to the new world and 21st century while you were adjusting to SHIELD and how people were being nice just for the good for it instead of if they wanted something.

So when it came to joining the Avengers when Loki attacked, you didn't really trust anyone even if it was a couple years after. You didn't like the idea of being apart of a team. So Steve told you about the Howling Commandos and how they always had each other backs.

You got interested in the Howling Commandos and after the Loki thing, you did more research about them. Got even more interested and now we're here. In the Smithsonian after SHIELD fell and after Tony created a robot that wanted to take over the world.


You walk up to the Bucky Barnes information thing. Ever since Steve found out that Bucky was alive, you wanted to help him because if you found out that Nat was alive if she died 70 years ago, you know he would do the same for you.

Plus you kind of owe him for not killing you when Loki took over your mind and you tried to kill him.

So yeah.

There is a man in a greenish brownish jacket, collar popped, with jeans and a dirty dark baseball cap on. His hands are in his pockets and you can tell he is pretty invested into the exhibit since he didn't notice you staring at him a bit.

"You know." You start to say as you focus on the information. "I wonder if he was born in 1916 or 1917." You point out the typo. "It says up here Bucky was born in 1916 but on the birth to death it says 1917." You tilt your head a bit to look at the man.

"I wonder too." His voice sounds like he hasn't talked in ages. It's a bit gravely and morning voice-y, he even sounds a bit sad actually.

"(Y/N), but my friends call me (Y/N/N)." You turn around and extend my right hand. He hesitates to shake your hand but he takes his right hand out of his pocket, slowly. You notice him wince and breath hitch.

"You okay?" You question, your doctor side coming out a bit.

"Yeah." He nods. When he lifts his head up to nod you notice his face.

"Y-" You stop yourself from pointing out who he is. "Can I take you to a hospital?"

"No." He quickly shoves his hand back in his pocket and groans in pain.

"Can I at least take you home and help you?" You offer.



"How do I know if you're not one of them?"

"One of who?" You question even though you think you know the answer.

"Them" He says bitterly. "The ones who did this to me. The ones who made me a monster." He sounds so broken.

"I promise I'm not them." You take a step towards him, he straighten up a bit to look intimidating. "Please just let me take you to my apartment and fix your arm." You beg.

He throws his head back a bit while he thinks.

Your Apartment...

"Sit on the couch while I got get the first aid kit." You command while closing the door behind you two. "Maybe the more serious first aid kit." You mumble walking to bathroom.


Part 2? Maybe?

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