Bucky Barnes - Ice Ice Baby

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

You have Ice Powers but you haven't told anyone yet, especially Bucky. One night you have a nightmare and wake to the room mostly frozen and a jaw dropped Bucky in the door way. Since the Nightmare is still fresh in your mind it's kinda hard to realize that Bucky now knows about you powers but come to comfort you anyway.

Requested by: @vasilik_tslt


"No, I'm just a science nerd." I shrug taking a sip of water given by Tony. Not cold enough so I 'colden' the water a bit.

"A very smart science nerd." Bruce proves, "She has basically taken everything to a whole new molecular level."

"We can all agree I did that first." Tony smirks

"But hers was better."

With that Tony's smirk goes away and he continues with his drink. This is my home. The Avengers Tower. I have been here for a while and I love it. It all happened when I help Tony and Bruce discover something they didn't even think was possible and one thing lead to another and now I'm sitting here.

"Thank you for repairing my arm by the way." Bucky smiles.

I smile back, "No problem....Well, I'm off to bed."

"The party just started!" Tony whines.

"The After party of the party? Count me out."

"Party pooper."

I leave the room and go to bed only to be aquatinted with the worst Nightmare this year. After Hydra....I've had nightmares that I can't fathom. They are worse than actual being at Hydra. One Gasp with me sitting up takes the whole room up in it's own popsicle. The room temp drops and it looks like it starts snowing, I can feel the bed sheets turn to ash from the cold and the foundation of the room starts cracking. Happy thoughts, I think, Happy thoughts. The ice starts retracting, fixing whatever it damaged.

One thing I didn't notice was Bucky sitting in the doorway, "Is everything okay?"

"Uh...no, Bucky."

"Did you have a nightmare?"

"Yeah." I hiss trying my best not to remember the fast images of every piece of pain the nightmare delivered. I can feel the lump in my throat sting, "They won't go away."

"Oh..Doll." Bucky sympathizes, rushing to the fixed bed, "it's okay. You're safe now."

"Is..is that what you thought?" My voice cracks.

Bucky sighs in defeat, "No, of course not. It's gonna take a while to find a way out of it. You just have to find the right rhythms."

"Have you?" I question putting my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me, making sure I can't let go because I never want to. I feel okay with Bucky. Sounds kinda cheesy, but with my ice powers I think they are warming to nothing or something different, something hot.

"No. I will soon."

"I can't deal with these nightmare anymore, Buck. They are going to kill me or someone else because of my powers-" I stop dead in my tracks. I just stated that I have powers, and Bucky can jump the right conclusions pretty fast more than likely thinking, I have Ice powers. I totally forgot he saw what I did. Why is he even sitting with me? I could hurt him? Isn't he scared? I mean...cryofreeze...but my powers can break him. I jump from him putting my hands up in the air. "Buck, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want them to see me as some sort of freak-"

"I would never-" Bucky inches closer to me. I can feel the air temp drop because I'm scared I'll hurt him.

"Bucky, you have to stay away from me. I'm a monster."

"You're not a monster." Bucky inches closer. My back now to a wall unable to run. "Bucky! Please, I could hurt you!"

Bucky is soon in front of me, "You can't hurt me."

"But I'm a-"

"No, you're not. Your the most beautiful, most important, most special person I have ever meet and will ever know. You didn't hurt me when you touched me."

As Bucky inches closer the air temp becomes normal and my powers settle down. Is it because I love him? Why would I ask that question? It's because it's true. I love Bucky. And if I didn't know better, he loves me too. Because the moment he touched my skin the lights flickered and sparks flew when we kissed. Lighting was heard on top of the tower and everything shook, it was magical. I guess my powers could be used for light.


"I found something. I found the person who can keep my nightmare away." Bucky smiles. I can see tears at the brim of falling, but tears have already escaped my eyes and we kiss once more.

"Let's go to bed." I say. Bucky climbs into my bed and we lay watching each other. In the distance we can hear Tony freaking out about the Lighting over charging his suits but other than that, everything is warm. Bucky is all I'll ever need.


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