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I was tagged WAY for that enough times. I don't even know who tagged me. But I Should get this done before I get yelled at.

1) What is your favorite Marvel Film?
Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Funniest Avengers movie, they also got really good pictures of my husband

2) Who is my favorite actor/actress?

3) What is your favorite song?
Forest Gump. God damn it Meowlnir

4) How old are you?
Old enough to date Chris Evans/Captain America

5) Do I wrote or read smut?
No, no porn for me.

6) Who is your favorite OTP?
Destiel. Cas and Dean. They are slay! We won the child's choice awards last time.

7) When did you create a Wattpad account?
70-75 years ago

8) Chocolate or Sweets?

9) Do you play any sport?
Volleyball. Going to join Martial Arts and Boxing

10) TeamCap or TeamTony?
TeamCap. Not because he is my husband but I AM WAY AGAINST THE ACCORDS. LET ME TELL YOU...

11) Do you have Netflix?
Who doesn't? This isn't 2010

12) Who's your best friend(s) on Wattpad?
Agent_Anna  and Meowlnir

13) Do I own anything Marvel related?
Thank go you haven't seen my chest full of shit.

14) Who is my celebrity crush?
Chris Pratt, jk, CHRIS EVANS. Chris Pratt is pretty hot too.

15) Favorite Disney Movie?

16) Jeans or Skirt?

17) Cookies or Cupcakes?

18) Sandcastles or Swimming?
Swimming. I guess it depends where tho.

19) Weirdest thing you have ever dreamt of?
I read a post in Instagram about how Thor couldn't fully cross his arms and I thought that it would have been dangerous to hug someone short. I later then had a dream about my friends Agent_Anna head popping off because of Thor Giant muscles. THIS JUST PROVES MY MIND IS MORE CREATIVE....AND STRESSED.

20) Should there be a group chat in Wattpad?
There should be but I think people could have there own clans and could only talk to people within there clans because then other people wouldn't get yelled at for liking or wanting to talk about some other Fandom.

21) Do You have any pets?

21) What is the best smell?
Idk. Food when your hungry

22) Poka dots or strips?
Strips bc Captain America, my husband.

23) What's he weirdest Wattpad story I have ever read?
Good questions. EVERYTHING.

24) What color shirt am I wearing?

Well. That's all of it. Thanks for nominating me and I am not going to put other people toward this stupid ever that I was forced to go though. #Hero. I have to pee.


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