^*Bucky Barnes ~ Fanfiction*^

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

Bucky finds our Fandom....


As Bucky and I sit in our apartment reading, his face grows in different emotions. Happy, Sad, Confused, Weirded Out, Angry, Disgusted, Happy.....again.

"Buck, what are you reading?" I question, "Your face looks like an ever changing emoji."

"I was on the internet researching myself and I found....things."

I know what he found, something that shouldn't be told to these people ever. The place on the internet where the people who are being written into the story is them. "What is it called?"

"It's an app called Waatpad?"

"Wattpad but go on.."

Bucky lifts his brow up in wonder, "Have you been on this app before?"

"My friend has shown it to me before. What did you find?"

"Ah...I'm going to quote this, 'Grace, I don't know what I should do, Bucky states.' How do they know my name?"

Little did Bucky know, that was one of my books. Yes, I wrote Fanfiction but for good cause and I like writing. "Who's Grace?"

"How am I suppose to know?"

"I don't know your in the story!"

"Well, I don't want to read it!"


"Everyone else is in here! Tony...Steve! What the hell? Is his Hydra?!?"

"You need to calm down!"


"Stop asking so many questions! Just read he damn book! I have to go to the tower!" I grab my jacket and head out the door towards the tower.


"James just discovered Fanfic?" Tony laughs

"Yeah. I need you to do something about it!" I yell

"Like what?"

"Disgust him into never reading that stuff again!"

"Give me a good reason to do so!"

"This is from him:

Who the hell is Grace? Do they know that we are in love? Are you Grace? Are you a vigilante? Are you friends with Cleo, Payton and/or Lang?"

"Is there stuff about everyone?" Clint asks


"Don't tell Steve!"

"Don't tell me what?" Steve comments

"Team! Scatter!" I shout and run to the bathroom.

I wonder if this app has stuff about me....here it is!

Something but not nothing....any requests?

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