^*Bucky Barnes ~ Nothing*^

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier



I spit the irony blood out of my mouth on to the cold cellar floor. I've been awake for only 5 minutes and they have already started throwing punches.

"Tell us where James is and all of this will stop." A hydra agent threatens

"Your just getting started?" I laugh, "Son, that was the worst punch ever!"

Another punch comes at me harder, and another, and another. An agent wheels in a trolley of torturous items.

"Well, this is gonna be fun! Have you ever watched movies where I die before I tell you anything?"

"I am very familiar with the Moines, but are you familiar with how Wanda and Pietro Maximoff receive there powers?"

Any leverage I had over the Agent stop killing me is over.


I screamed and the liquid changes my cells into what ever they put into me. I can't stop it and they can't either. I can feel myself becoming weaker and stronger, my sense fail and then succeed.

"BUCKY! DON'T!" Steve's voice rings throughout the halls.

I can hear the foot steps of Bucky and Steve running to my cell, the lights go out because of Sam's new gear 'The Red Wing".

"Heya, sweet cheeks!" Sam's voice cheers bringing me to somewhat of a smile. Bucky's metal hand rips open the solid door and relief flies over his face, Steve comes it and smiles.

"Sam! Don't flirt with my girlfriend!" Bucky yells

Red Wing leaves and Bucky attempts to pick me up, "Buck. Please, wait." Everything hurts. I pull myself up and lean into Buck, walking back to the jet.


"I love waking up in a hospital room, that's not really a hospital room." I stretch

"Hey. How do you feel?" Bucky smiles and takes my hand in his.

"Good. If good means, 'what the hell happened'?"

"Hydra kidnapped you, since we can't go back to Tony and them, we brought you back home."

"I remember when home was an apartment across from Steve in Brooklyn."

"Doll. We can go back to that soon"

"I know. Bucky, what did they do to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"They did something to me?"

"Oh. We can't figure that out yet. T is trying to figure it out."

"Since when are you and T'challa buddy buddy?"

"Whatever, let's go to my room and snuggle."

Quick pick!

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