^*Steve Rogers ~ Hydra Agent*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Falling in love with a Hydra agent?

Ps: Bucky One Coming Soon!


"These people stand in our way to what this world needs-what we need. We need peace. That can only be achieved with order." A Hydra commander announces, "Kill Captain America, Kill the hope our enemies once had, kill the ones that may become greater threats than enemies. LONG LIVE HYDRA! HAIL HYDRA!"

Everyone hailed that evening, not a word for me. I think I work for the good people. I mean, what we're doing is right. No more wars, no more differences, just quiet. Do I want that? Yeah....right? What about other people?

I waited for Captain America to arrive at base, he is suppose to blow this up. I don't want to kill him, do I? No. But I have to, it's my job. I tighten the grip on my gun and listen. Nothing yet, point and shoot, point and shoot.

Why are they fighting against us if we aren't bad? Why are people scared when they see the red badge? Why is the badge red?

We aren't doing the right thing, we are doing the wrong, what we think is right, what we want is peace and not freedom to choose. Chaos is what the world is. It has to stay that way.

"Kill anyone that shoots at you." Captain America states.

Run. I start off, running as fast as I can, but I hear the foot steps following behind me, close too. I slam the door and his face comes up behind the class. He starts pounding on the door and it moves, no surprise. I start running to the main control center. I class the door and sit in the chair, controlling my breathing. I look at the screen and it holds my face, in a machine. I don't remember that machine. I don't remember those clothes.

How long have I been working here? Two months. What are my parents name? I don't know. I don't know when I was born or when I left home to go to college. I press play and it shows me screaming my head off. I can't believe this! We are all puppets.

I set the detonation to 5 minutes, enough time to get out of here. Captain America busts open the door and finds me.

"We have to get out of here! This place is going to go up in flames." I inform.

"Don't you remember me?" He asks

"Remember? Ha. I don't remember anything. We really need to get out of here."

I take his hand and we start running out of the base. We get to the mountains and the base blows up. I have a reason to smile, something I felt, something bad is gone. To the quinjet.

"I can't believe I was so stupid."

"Hydra's solution to order is brainwashing to make right. I have a friend who went through something like that, Wanda, helped him though."


"Another friend. Do you know your name?"



"Last name?"

"My last name. Rogers."

"Siblings or married?" I groaned. I turned away to a wall and put my head on the cool metal in the quinjet.


"How long was I gone? Was I stupid enough to get captured? Was I ordinary before?"

"You've been gone 9 months, no and yes."

I could feel tears falling down my cheeks, "I didn't fight, I should've known better to take a fighting class or something."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't get there fast enough."

"I'm still here, ain't I?"

"But it's my-"

"Knowing myself, I really don't think I would have said yes if I thought I couldn't handle it." I turned around, "let's just go to Wanda and ask her to help." I hug Rogers seeming that I don't know his name I'll call him that. I smile, time to go home.

"I love you." Rogers whispers as he hugs me

"I love you to the moon and back." Sounds like something I always use to say.

Friend is working on BUCKY. Going to start parts!

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