^*Steve Rogers ~ Hydra?*^

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Steve Rogers AKA Captain America

Part 2!


"The base is up ahead. The plan is simple. Get Capsicle and get out alive." Tony states as we head toward the base they have Steve.

"Easy enough." I mumble. Bust some heads and save Rogers, this is going to be fun.

"I think you should stay behind us." Nat claims

Not fun. "What? Why?" I question, "This is Steve, we are talking about."

"Yeah. We understand but there could be a million in there. You're looking to settle for just one."

"Not to be rude, but my ass is staying at the front of the line. And I ain't moving. We are going to get Rogers and have a happy ending."

"What makes you so sure he is in there?"

"If he is not, everyone is going to die." I say darkly.

Soon enough we've landed in a unseen spot and into the cold forest. The base is highly guarded and there are three different Captain America's. All of which could be Steve. We sneak in another way. Not wanting to waste our breath on something that can't help us.

We kick ass into the prison room to find exactly 300 cells.

"Great. Which one is the real one?" Clint huffs



"It's Buck's number. They would put him there to remind him that this is hell. Cover me." I start running down the many Steve's pounding on the glass, yelling at me it's the real them, one almost had me convinced. The eyes are different, the brown isn't suppose to be there, it's an error. I found him, passed out in his cell. He looked dead, but he is barely breathing. I pound on the glass and it shatters. Steve jolts a bit but that's it.

"W-what are y-y-you doin-?" Steve hisses in pain

"Saving your ass."

"It's a-a trap"

"Figured. Tony, he is going to get you outta here."


"What about me?"

"I cover you?"

"Other way around big guy. What was the cashier's name? Y'know when we went to the mall."


I smile, "Tony?!!!!!!!!!"

"You got him?"

"Yeah. Take him, I'll meet y'all at the quinjet."



I kiss Steve on the forehead and hand him to Tony. This is where it gets ugly. Have you ever ran from about 300 Steve's at once? It's a first one for me! As the gates to the doors open I start running. Steve can run up to 55 mph. I run into the control room and shut the door closed. I can already hear the many steps coming this way. When I turn around Hydra agents are taking out their guns. I duck back just in time.

"Come out!" One of agents yell. There are five of them in the room. There is no way I'm getting out of this alive. Now or never. I take out my gun and shoot one in the leg causing the other to lose their attention on me and I duck behind a different cabinet. Another agent comes into focus and I shoot him in the heart. I open the cabinet and find tools. I throw a screwdriver and it hits an agent in a the lung. Two to go. I push the rolling cabinet and duck behind another one. I jump on one agent and hold him up as a shield. I take an aim and shoot the last one. Everyone's dead.

That is till I feel a white hot pain in the middle of my stomach. The one I shot in the leg. With my luck, he is out of bullets. I land on top of the agent and punch him. I take out my gun and point it at his head.

"Hail Hydra. Cut off one head, two more shall take it's place."

"Sure." I nod and pull the trigger. Ha, I got out of this, but not alive. I stand up, not wanting to die by a Hydra agent

I can hear Tony's suit come powering through the windows, he blasts the door with the many Steve's and I grab onto him. He starts flying, I don't remember anything else because I Black Out.

Part 3?????

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