^*Bucky Barnes ~ Repairing his arm*^

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

You try to fix his arm.


"I just don't know, Buck. You have to be more careful, one mess up and we have to make it like Tony's suit." I say, I put an extra cord in and tweak it.

"It was the other guy, I had him on the ropes." Bucky complains putting his head back on the chair.

"I know you did." I mumble. Bucky stares at me while I work my magic on his arm. I spark flies out scaring me a bit, but he continues to watch me.

"See something you like?" I smirk

"W-what? No, why would you say that?"

"You kept watching me."

"I was just admiring your hair."

"Admire your long hair."

Bucky shrugs, "I think I am going to cut it"

"Uh, not on my watch. So help me god, I will kick you."

Steve comes in, ruining the small moment, "Buck, you good to go?"

I sigh, "Yeah." I get up to leave but get stopped by Bucky.

"Where are you going?"

"Your boyfriends' here. I'm going to give you two some time alone."

Steve's face gets really red and wide eyes, "No, no, I'm in a relationship will someone."

"Who?" I ask, I didn't know Steve had a girlfriend.

"The reader."



"Hey, (y/n), I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie later?" Bucky asks

"Umm, yeah."

"WAIT!" Bucky screams. At that moment Bucky was kissing you, "I love you"

"About time! I love you too!"

I am taking exams soon, and I have zero ideas on how to write at the moment. IF YALL CAN COMMENT IDEAS that would be fantastic!

I am SO sorry, I really wanna write more but I must study! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!

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