^*Broken Arm~Bucky*^

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1940's Bucky Barnes

...He broke his arm.


"How'd you break your arm?" Dr. Cox questions as he writes stuff down on his fancy clipboard.

Bucky sighs while you and Steve roll your eyes.

"....I was trying to get a cat out of a tree." He sheepishly lies.

"Aw, how swe-"

"You tried to drop a cat on me and Steve! But instead you dropped yourself!" You cut the doctor off.


As Steve and you walk across the lawn to head over to Bucky's since you live two houses away from him, you hear a meowing noise.

"Did Buck's Ma let out the cat or something?" You question looking around the area.

"Yeah, but I saw 'er on Mrs. Parker's porch." The short, scrawny blonde answers, pointing his thumb back towards the old woman's house the two of you just past.

"Then did someone else in the neighborhood get on-"

"Surpr-OH SHIT!" You hear Bucky yell as he falls with a screeching meow from, what you assume, is his family cat, Whiskers.

"James!" You shout, putting a hand over your heart.

"I got yoooouuuuu!!!!" He groans rolling around as the cat runs back to the house. "I got you guys." He whispers in pain.

"Are you alright, Buck?" Steve questions, walking up to his best friend.

"I wouldn't be surprise if he hurt something." You walk up to them and squat down next to Steve. "He fell out of a tree." You put a hand on his left arm to roll him over but he only groans.

"Don't touch that arm please." He hisses in pain.

"We have to get you to the hospital." Steve worries as you help Bucky up.

"It's not like I'm dying." He counters, his right arm around you shoulder while he leans on you to keep balance because he hurt his ankle too. "Either way, I'll walk it off."

"You can't walk everything off, Buck." You scold. "Let's go to the doctors."

Flashback Over

"Unlike the cat, he did not land on his feet." You sum up the story.

The doctor looks between the three of you, eyes landing on Bucky who has a faint smile on his lips.

Dr. Cox just shakes his head and rips a piece of paper off of his note pad.

"You will need help around the house, so do you live alone?" He changes the topic of conversation.

"No." Buck nods. "I live with my Ma and 3 younger siblings."

"Do you help out with the kids or something?"


"Well, is your mom capable of taking care of the kids on her own for at least a month and a half or so?" The doctor questions.

"Maybe, I'll have to talk to her. Why?"

"Because with the kids around it'll most likely cause stress. You need to relax and heal." He explains. "Plus, the kids will most likely try to get you to do stuff. You might want to stay at a friend's house."

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