The Portkey & Friends

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After that intense dream, I finally got off of the film room floor and stood up shaking my head. I quickly walked up and into my bedroom and locked my door behind me. I began stripping down and untying my hair before stepping into the shower. After I finished my glorious shower, facial procedures and dental care. I finally started to get ready. I went through my endless closet of clothes looking for clothes to pack and use for today.

"Hmm, this is cute," I smiled.

I set my clothes and shoes on my bed and began to change. I grabbed my duffle full of clothes and stuffed my wand and a few galleons into my purse. I placed a quick dry spell on my hair and put it in a cute waterfall braid.

I exited my room and joined everyone downstairs inside the kitchen

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I exited my room and joined everyone downstairs inside the kitchen. I gave Uncle Amos and Aunt Diana a big hug and ate breakfast.

"I've really missed your cooking mum," I smile.

"Well I hope you love pancakes," Diana said.

"Pancakes. Yum," I smiled.

"Oh no. We've got to go," Amos said.

My stomach grumbled. Cedric tossed me my favorite cookies and I cheered.

"You know you're the best brother ever," I smiled.

"What are we chopped liver," Lucas, Ernie and Christian gasped.

I shrugged.

"Basically," I shrug. "You didn't get me cookies."

"You children have fun," Diana called as we exited the Manor.

We waved goodbye and followed Amos down the path.

"Love, I can carry your duffle for you," Jace blushed and took my duffle off my shoulders.

"Thanks J," I chuckled.

Jace and I laced our fingers together and walked behind the group.

"Where's Kiana? Haven't heard her all this morning," Kayla said loudly.

Everyone turned around to see Jace and I holding hands. Being the protective gits my brothers are they carried my bag and placed me in between them. Kayla joined Jace in the back and the two seemed to be in a furious argument.

"I'll tell her, just not now, she just got back," Jace whispered.

I looked forward. Tell me what? After what seemed like forever we arrived at the spot before the other group. I set my bags down and climbed up a tree and leaned against it. The others except Amos of course copied my actions. Kayla sitting a little too close to Jace for my liking though. I rolled my eyes and looked away. Is something going on between them?

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