Mysterious Dream

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"So wait they asked if you liked either one of us," Hermione laughed.

"Who would have thought - the hottest guys currently in our school are worried about Harry." I laughed.

Harry crossed his arms and I hugged him.

"Calm down Harry," I chuckled. "I was kidding."

"How did you two end up going to the ball with them," Jake asked.

Hermione and I looked at each other and blushed.

"Hermione followed me out to the pitch. I was flying to make new plays for next year oh and Harry a Firebolt can fly the whole field in 10 seconds of you push yourself. Then they came to us, serenaded us and asked us," I chuckled.

Somebody was climbing the steps up to the Owlery. I could hear two voices arguing, coming closer and closer.

"- that's blackmail, that is, we could get into a lot of trouble for that -"

"- we've tried being polite; it's time to play dirty, like him. He wouldn't like the Ministry of Magic knowing what he did -"

"I'm telling you, if you put that in writing, it's blackmail!"

"Yeah, and you won't be complaining if we get a nice fat payoff, will you?"

The Owlery door banged open. Fred and George came over the threshold, then froze at the sight of us five.

"What're you doing here?" Ron and Fred said at the same time.

"Sending a letter," said Harry and George in unison.

"What, at this time?" said Fred and I.

Fred grinned.

"Fine - we won't ask you what you're doing, if you don't ask us," he said.

He was holding a sealed envelope in his hands. I glanced at it, but Fred, whether accidentally or on purpose, shifted his hand so that the name on it was covered.

"Well, don't let us hold you up," Fred said, making a mock bow and pointing at the door.

Ron didn't move.

"Who're you blackmailing?" he said.

The grin vanished from Fred's face. I saw George half glance at Fred, before smiling at Ron.

"Don't be stupid, I was only joking," he said easily.

I rose an eyebrow and folded my arms.

"Fred," I sighed.

"Didn't sound like that," said Ron.

"Nothing bad I swear Kay," Fred grinned.

So I nodded. Fred and George looked at each other. Then Fred said abruptly, "I've told you before, Ron, keep your nose out if you like it the shape it is. Can't see why you would, but -"

"It's my business if you're blackmailing someone," said Ron. "George's right, you could end up in serious trouble for that."

"Told you, I was joking," said George.

He walked over to Fred, pulled the letter out of his hands, and began attaching it to the leg of the nearest barn owl.

"You're starting to sound a bit like our dear older brother, you are, Ron. Carry on like this and you'll be made a prefect."

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