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"I still want to say thank you for the gift," Hermione smiled.

"It really wasn't a problem," I smiled. "I still have to give the boys their gifts when they're not angry with me."

"They're ridiculous," Hermione giggled.
"Anyways, ready to go to Hogsmeade?"

"I can't, behind on homework," I lied.

Hermione frowned.

"I don't want to go alone.." she frowned.

My three band mates and Jake's twin brother were approaching us.

"Well, you're not going alone." I giggled.

I pointed out the four boys and Hermione smiled.

"Guys," I called the four over.

The four immediately came towards me with smiles on their faces.

"Yes?" Calvin asked.

"Hermione's heading to Hogsmeade, why don't you four follow her and keep her safe." I giggled.

"What about you?" Josh asked.

"I am actually behind on homework," I lied.

"What? Are you feeling well? You're never behind," Hermione said.

"I'm fine go have fun," I said.

The four groaned but sighed. They then looked at Hermione and nodded.

"Well, Hermione, we hope your intellectual conversations will satisfy us." Calvin chuckled.

The five waved goodbye as I dashed out of the Great Hall and into Dumbledore's office.

"Ready?" Dumbledore asked.

I nodded.

"We will pick up from where we left off," Dumbledore said, "remember to channel your emotions."

I simply nodded and took a deep breath in and slowly letting it out.

"Fire." Dumbledore said. "Powerful and beautiful although it can be evil. Anger, Rage.. you must learn how to control it."

"How?" I asked.

"Think about what makes you angry." Dumbledore instructed.

I nodded and closed my eyes shut.

Think about Cedric telling you he doesn't love you anymore.

Think about him favoring Kayla over you.

Think about Harry leaving you for Cho Chang.

Think about all your friends turning their backs against you.

I felt an inner rage creep inside me. It almost felt like an inner fire burning through my veins.

"Kiana! Control it!" Dumbledore said.

I opened my eyes and saw my hands and hair on fire. I panicked. Flames spurred out from my body and I screamed. I was terrified. Suddenly water began to rise and drop on me and the earth seemed to shake from under me. I felt my body growing weak and I fell to the ground. The fire, water and earth died down as I fell.

"Kiana - " Dumbledore sighed.

I groaned.

"I can't - " I muttered and suddenly everything went dark.

Destined| Goblet of Fire: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now