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"It vas nice knowing you," Chase and Viktor said.

I sent the Krum twins a small smile and pulled the two in for a hug.

"Have a nice boat ride back guys," I smiled.

The two kissed my cheeks and walked towards their Bulgarian friends. I felt someone pull my arm and hug me.

"It was nice meeting you," Fleur smiled.

"Il était agréable de vous rencontrer à," I said.

Fleur's mouth had dropped and she pulled me in for a hug.


"Are you sure you don't want to sit with me," Cedric asked.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug.

"Cedric - I'll be okay. If I need you I'll know where to find you - I promise you'll see me," I said.

"I'll see you alive," Cedric asked.

Cedric kissed my cheek and I waved as he walked down the hallway of the train. I entered the shared compartment with Harry, Ron, Jake and Hermione. I closed the door behind me and they looked at me.

"How did Cedric live?" Hermione asked.

My eyes glanced at her pearl.

"Harry - remember the pearls I gave you all," I asked.

Harry nodded.

"I told you all - I put protective charms inside. It's like your mum's love protection spell - I put a bit of my love in each of those pearls. Love can defeat dark magic," I said.

Harry sent me a small smile.

"Love," Jake said. "How cliche."

"L'amour est beau quand la personne signifie le plus pour vous," I said.

"What did you say?" Ron asked.

I chuckled.

"She said love is beautiful when the person means the most to you," Hermione chuckled.

I sent Hermione a warm smile and she winked.

"Are you bilingual?" Jake asked.

"Nei, jeg er bare helt utrolig sånn," I said.

"What!" Ron asked.

"Norwegian?" Hermione asked.

I nodded.

"She said no I'm just awesome like that," Hermione said.


The train ride came to a quick end. Harry was silent most of the time and barely looked at me or spoke to me. He was growing distant with me. Before I knew it - we were all separated by our families and that was the last time I saw Harry.

Destined| Goblet of Fire: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now