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"At this rate we'll be the only ones without a date," Ron and Jake hissed.

I watched as Snape push their heads down to their books. Hermione, Ron, Jake, Kiana and I were all writing our tests in the Great Hall. Snape pacing back and forth specifically in our area. A balled up parchment hit Ron in the face and the three of us, the three being: Jake, Ron and I looked up at the Weasley Twins.

"What was that for?" Ron whispered.

Fred gestured Ron to open the parchment. So Ron lifted the parchment in his hands and opened it.

Get a move on or all the good ones will be taken.

"Who are you going with then?" Ron whispered.

Fred gestured to Rosalyn Wood. He then balled up a piece of parchment and threw it to her. She rolled her eyes and glared at Fred. Fred started doing these weird gestures saying,"Will you go to the ball with me."

Rosalyn nodded her head and smiled. Fred looked at us and with his eyes looked at Hermione and Kiana who were furiously writing in their books. I wouldn't mind asking Kiana. Hell it'd be an honor to even go with her. But I know a lot of people had asked her.

"Hey Hermione and Kiana, you're girls," Jake and Ron began.

The girls tensed up and their jaws clicked. Snape smacked Ron, Jake and I on the back of our heads.

"Very observant are you," Kiana spat.

"Will you go to the ball with us, it's sad that a girl goes alone," Ron said.

"And you're a champion," Jake said.

"Harry is one as well," Kiana said.

"But you're a girl it's sort of sad and pathetic if you end up going alone," Jake said.

Wrong choice of words mate.

"Was nice knowing you," I whisper to Jake.

Kiana snapped her quill in half. Hermione and Kiana looked at the two. They stood up and gathered their stuff.

"If it hasn't occurred to you, some one has already asked me," Hermione said.

"Half the whole school asked me Jake," Kiana spat.

The two handed their assignments to Snape and went to gather their stuff back from our area.

"And we said Yes," They said in unison.

The two stormed out of the Great Hall.

"Bloody Hell, those two are like twins," Jake said rubbing his temple.


"Work," Snape sneered.


"What's wrong with them?" I asked as I entered the Common Room.

Ron and Jake were being held up by Ginny, Hermione and Kiana.

"They tried to ask a few Beaxubaton girls to the ball," Hermione said.

"More like yelled at them," Kiana scoffed.

She then walked up to her dorm room.

"What's the matter with her?" I asked.

"You're a boy." Hermione spat and followed Kiana back up to the common room.

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