The Pearl

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"Who does she think she is!" Hermione screeched.

I looked up from the opposite side of the table and saw Hermione ranting about something to Harry, Jake and Ron.

"Are they okay," Chase asked as he sat across from me.

"Hand me your Daily Prophet," I sighed.

Chase hesitantly handed me his newspaper and the front page was a picture of Hermione, Cedric, Josh, Harry and I.

"So - Rita wrote about the love circle between Viktor, Harry and Cedric with Hermione. Then the one between You, Josh and I?" I snapped.

"There is actually more - open to page one," Chase said.

I did as told and saw pictures of Oliver and I.

Our very own 'GIRL ON FIRE' Kiana Diggory, has been getting cozy with Puddlemere reserve Keeper Oliver Wood.

Is she trying to make Josh Horan and Chase Krum jealous?

I angrily shook my head and crumpled the paper. I set the blasted thing on fire, gathered my items and stormed out of the Great Hall. I wanted Rita Skeeter to pay. Wait a minute - how did she find out about the Girl On Fire thing? I immediately ran up to the Owerly and pulled out parchment and a quill.

Dear Dad,

First of all - I'm fine and I am alive. Dad, I need you to tell me anything you know about unregistered Animagus. I think Rita Skeeter may be one and is infiltrating private things.

Love Kay.

I rolled the parchment up and tied the letter on Cedric's talons. I fed him a treat and kissed his forehead.

"To Padfoot okay," I said.

Cedric hooted and flew off. I walked out from the Owerly and bumped into someone causing us to tumble down the steps.


Our bodies stopped rolling and we gently landed on the snow. I groaned in pain and so did the person next to me.

"I'm sorry," I chuckled.

I sat up and saw that I knocked Chase down.

"Chase, I'm so sorry," I frowned.

I helped Chase sit up and he sent me a small smile.

"Glad I took the fall with you," Chase chuckled. "Just wish I didn't break my wrist on the way down."

"Hold your wrist down," I chuckled.

Chase did as told and I pointed my wand on his wrist.


A cracking sound went off and Chase winced.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

"Better," Chase said. "Thank you."

"It was my fault we tumbled down," I chuckled.

Chase stood up and held a hand out for me. I gladly accepted. Once he helped me up the two of us walked around the black lake.

"Do you know what's in there?" Chase asked.

"A giant squid, grindylows, mermaids," I listed.

"You're bright," Chase said.

I shrugged.

"You're adorable," Chase smiled.

I sent him a small smile.

"You're very strong," Chase said. "Powerful."

"Thanks Chase -" I began.

Before I knew it, Chase planted his lips on mine.

   I pulled away and sent him a small smile

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I pulled away and sent him a small smile.

"I should head back - it - it thanks for the walk," I said.

I rushed towards the castle and once I made it to the corridor I saw Pansy laughing at Hermione. Pansy had her wand raised.

"Do it - hex her," I said.

Pansy looked me in the eyes and I threw a smirk to her. Pansy sent me a wide smile and casted a hex on Hermione only to have it backfire on her. Pansy ran away and Hermione looked me in the eyes and I glanced at the Pearl wrapped around her neck and she smiled. I'll always have your back.

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