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"We're out of water, I'm going to get more," I smiled.

"Yeah. Cool," Jace said.

Everyone in the tent nodded and I exited the tent with an empty bucket in my hand. I thought Jace would take this opportunity to be alone with me but I guess not. I walked past everyone, smiling and politely waving. I even met up with Dean and Seamus.

"Hey guys," I smiled as they hugged me.

"Hey Kay, you coming back to Hogwarts or are you touring," Dean asked.

"Of course I'm coming back to Hogwarts," I chuckled.

"My big brother is in love with you," Seamus chuckled.

My eyes widened.

"Not like that," Dean chuckled.

"He really loves your music, the stories behind them. You really changed him," Seamus explained.

I then nodded.

"Is he here now," I asked.

Seamus smiled and nodded.

"Let me fetch him," Seamus smiled.

He entered his tent leaving Dean and I outside.

"Hey Kay, I need to ask you something," Dean muttered.

"What is it Dean," I asked politely.

"I'm not the best at Transfiguration or Potions and I was wondering if you could tutor me," Dean asked shyly.

"Of course Dean, anything for a fellow Gryffindor," I chuckled.

Dean pulled me in for a hug.

"Seamus you better not be lying oh my gosh you're Kiana," An older version of Seamus squealed.

I broke out of the hug with Dean and stuck my hand out to shake Seamus's brothers.

"You're really beautiful," He blushed.

I giggled.

"I'm Sean," he said.

"I'm Kiana but you can call me Kay," I winked.

I then looked at my empty bucket.

"I wish I could stay guys but, I have to fetch water for the lazy people in my tent," I chuckled.

I hugged the three of them goodbye.

"Oh and Dean, every night in the common room after lessons. I'll help you," I smiled.

Dean nodded and smiled. I sent the three a wave and went on my way to the well. Once I arrived I noticed how empty it was here. I attached my bucket to the rope and lowered it into the well. I heard rustling noises from behind.

"Well, look what we have here, she's quite the looker huh," someone said sickly.

I whipped around and held my fists out. There were four guys around with smug looks on their faces.

"Leave me alone," I hissed as they got closer.

The first one placed a hand on my cheek and traveled down to my waist.

"Stop," I hissed.

I kneed him and tried to escape. The second guy punched me in the eye.

"Da lady said to leave her alone," someone growled.

The four quickly stood up and ran off.

"Are you okay," someone asked.

I looked up and saw the Bulgarian Chaser, Chase Krum kneeling in front of me. I sat up and touched my throbbing eye.

"My eye just hurts, I'll be okay, thank you for saving me," I smiled.

Chase smiled and nodded. He extended a hand out for me to hold and I accepted. He helped me up and filled my bucket for me.

"Where's your tent," He asked.

"I'll be okay to walk on my own," I chuckled.

He shook his head.

"Those guys could come back and it would be wrong of me to let a beautiful girl like yourself walk back alone," Chase smiled.

I felt a blush creep on my cheek and I shrugged.

"Follow me I guess," I giggled.

Chase and I walked out of the empty clearing keeping our heads down.

"So tell me about yourself," Chase smiled.

"Well, I'm a fourth year in Hogwarts, famous in the Muggle World, top student in Hogwarts, I'm the new Gryffindor Quidditch captain, I have older twin brothers and a psychotic twin sister," I chuckled.

"What position do you play," Chase asked.

"Chaser," I giggled.

"We have the same thing in common, I'm a Chaser too," He smiled. "And we both have psychotic twins."

I gently nudged his free arm and smiled.

"Guess we got unlucky in the twin department," I sighed.

Chase nodded. Once we reached the tent everyone was still in the main room. Chase walked in with me and set the bucket down.

"Finally, you're back, we were thirsty," Lucas said and then looked up at Chase and I.

"What happened to your eye," Cedric gasped and approached me.

"I'm guessing he's the more protective twin," Chase asked and I nodded.

"YOU'RE CHASE KRUM," Ernie squealed and fainted.

"Yes I am," Chase chuckled.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend," Jace sneered.

Chase furrowed his eyebrows.

"She was almost attacked by four men, I luckily needed more water and saw her in need. Luckily she wasn't hurt more than a black eye," Chase explained.

"Thank you, I don't know what we'd do if we lost our Kay," Christian sighed.

Kayla scoffed.

"I don't know what we'd do if we lost our Kay," She mocked.

I then faced Chase and mouthed the word 'Crazy.' Which he laughed at. He then looked down at his watch and smiled.

"It's almost time for the game and I believe I should head down and get ready," Chase smiled.

"Yes, you do that," Jace spat.

Chase rolled his eyes and faced me.

"How would you like to sit in the best seats of the Arena," Chase asked.

"You could do that," I asked.

Chase nodded.

"Only if my friends can come," I blushed.

Chase smiled and nodded. Chase handed me a paper with clearance to sit in the seats.

"Of course. See you later Kay," Chase smiled and exited the tent.

"I saw the way you looked at him," Jace sneered.

"Well, no shit Sherlock. Kiana has always had a crush on Chase Krum," Cedric stifled a laugh.

Jace stormed out of the tent and Kayla followed behind him. Once they were gone I finally asked the boys,"Is there something going on with those two."


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