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I watched as her chest rose and fell. I watched as she twitched in her sleep every five minutes and would lie still next. I held her hand in mine and drew circles on the palm of her hand.

"I am so sorry I wasn't there to keep you safe - to protect you - to help you. I am sorry for scaring you like that. You're my little sister - my best friend. I need you in my life to go on and if I don't have you in that life I would feel so lost -" I sniffled.

I felt her thumb press against my hand. I looked at her bruised face and saw her eyes fluttering open.

"Kay," I smiled.

Kiana opened her eyes even wider. Her eyes landed on me and she sent me a small smile.

"Cedric James Black, are you crying," she asked weakly.

   I pulled her in for a hug

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I pulled her in for a hug. Her arms tightened around me and I heard her small laugh.

"Yes. I missed you to," she whispered.

I pulled out of the hug and kissed her forehead.

"Don't scare me like that again," I sniffled.

"You shouldn't scare me like that," she whispered.

I held my pinky out and she wrapped here around mine.

"I promise to protect you," I whispered.

"I promise not to be stupid," she whispered.

It grew silent for a while as I just held her fragile body in my arms. She was my little sister - I am not losing her.

"How long have I been in here," she asked.

"Only seven hours," I answered.

"You haven't slept?" She asked.

"Harry, Dad, Christian and I wanted to be here when you wake. Lucas, Jace, Hermione and Ernie went to try to get them to eat something -" I answered.

"Dad is here?" She asked.

"Yes," I smiled. "They should be back soon."

"I want to shower - I feel dirty -" she whispered.

"Prefects bathroom - I'll wait outside," I smiled.

Kiana sent me a small smile. I helped her out of the bed and we went to the Hufflepuff tower. I noticed everyone was sitting inside the common room - their eyes red.

"You're alive," Niall cried out.

Kiana sent them a fake smile and followed me up to my shared room. I grabbed my clothes and we went out to the prefects bathroom. I checked if anyone was inside and once we were clear she went inside to take a bath. I sat on the floor leaning on the wall. Thirty minutes later she came out - water dripping from her the tips of her hair.

"I'm hungry," she sighed.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and we walked towards the kitchens.

"Dobby," I called.

Dobby, the house elf came running out relief over his face.

"We need food," I said.

The two of us sat down on the stools and Dobby came carrying out food.

"I'm glad you're okay," Dobby said.

"Who Cedric? Yes. I'm glad he's okay too," Kiana joked.

I gently nudged her shoulder and she sent me a small smile. The two of us continued to eat our food and I brought her back to the hospital wing.

"SWEETHEART!" Dad yelled.

Dad immediately ran towards us and pulled Kiana in for a hug. I looked behind dad and saw Harry send me a small smile. His eyes anywhere but Kiana. I knew Harry blamed himself for what had happened to her. For bringing her into this life. For putting her through so much pain. Kiana broke from the hug and she ran towards Harry. She jumped in his arms and Harry looked shocked.

"I missed you," Harry sighed. "Please. Please don't scare me like that again."

"I promise Haz - we're best friends," She smiled.

Dad wrapped an arm over me and Christian's shoulder. I sent him a smile.

"We can be a family again."

Destined| Goblet of Fire: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now