A Day To Relax

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I woke up with a slight headache. I slowly sat up groaning in pain. Chase's hand was in mine as he slept in the hospital chair besides me.

"Chase," I managed to say.

Chase's eyes fluttered open and he let my hand go and ran into Madam Pomfrey's office. The two of them came running out.

"You're awake," she said cheerfully.

She pulled me in for a tight hug and sighed in relief I assume.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She hesitantly let me go and looked at Chase.

"I found you in the hall beaten up.." Chase said hesitantly. "You passed out in my arms."

Everything was soon coming back to me. The fight with Ron, Harry and Jake. Then the argument with Cedric. Me going back to the Gryffindor House tower only to be attacked.

"Do you remember what happened?" Chase asked worriedly.

"I was attacked..." I sniffled.

The word ringing in my head bringing me back to that night. I closed my eyes as the hot tears fell from my eyes. Madam Pomfrey gasped in horror. She ran out of the Hospital Wing and shut the door behind us.

"She's probably going to get the headmaster." I sniffled. "Does anyone else know I'm in here?"

Chase shook his head.

"Good. A chance to actually breathe." I sniffled. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Anything," Chase sniffled.

"Can you go to the Gryffindor House tower, ask the portrait for Hermione and then ask her to bring me down some clothes and keep it discreet please?" I asked.

Chase nodded.

"Will do." He smiled.

With that he left the hospital wing. Then I heard a pop and I saw Dobby.

"Dobbs," I smiled.

"I heard Madam Pomfrey muttering that you were attacked. Are you okay? Shall I get Harry?" Dobby asked.

"No. Harry and I aren't speaking." I said.

Dobby frowned.

"What happened?" Dobby asked.

"He thinks I'm fraternizing with the enemy." I frowned.

"Chase Krum?" Dobby asked.

I nodded.

"His family is one of the nicest families I know." Dobby smiled. "You have a good pick in boys."

"Tell that too Harry." I scoffed.

Dobby looked down then smiled.

"I will." Dobby smiled and Disapparated out of the Hospital Wing.

Well there goes my companion. The doors flung opened and then shut. Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey came rushing towards my bed.

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked worriedly.

"I - I was," I began.

The door flew open again revealing my BESTFRIENDS and Cedric's best friends and Chase.

"Oh my gosh, we've been worried sick."

I mentally face palmed myself. Chase had one job.

"Sorry, they were persistent.." Chase apologized. "And the House Elf mentioned it as well."

Dobby was about to hit himself.

"Dobbs no, it's okay." I sighed.

I then faced Dumbledore.

"I was attacked last night. After performing and dancing I was tired, so I decided to head back to the Gryffindor House tower but I felt like someone was following me and I was right. Because at that moment I was slammed into the wall. Punched in the stomach and face ... then - " my voice cracked.

Cedric approached me and tried to hold my hand which I slapped away. Hermione then took his place.

"Then what?" Hermione asked softly.

"- then the masked person used the Cruciatus curse on me ..." I cried out. "I was careful this time - I told myself to never let them use that on me again."

All the teachers eyes flew wide open.

"Again?!?" They all yelled.

Cedric sat next to me and held my hands in his. His hand caressing my cheek.

"What do you mean again?" Cedric asked.

"The night of the World Cup - the Death Eaters found Dennis and I hiding. I protected Dennis - they ... they pulled me away from him and cursed me for being a blood traitor. I screamed and screamed and screamed - I wanted to die." I cried.

Everyone tried to approach me.

"No. I want to be alone." I sniffled.

I pulled my knees to my chest.

"Kay?" Harry began.

"I want to be alone. Gosh you all ruined my dance last night and now you expect me to forgive you like that, get out." I snapped.

They all hesitantly left except Chase. Chase sat on the chair besides me and sighed.

"Chase?" I asked.

"Yes?" He said.

"Lay with me," I said.

Chase nodded and I scooted over for him to lay besides me. He protectively wrapped an arm around me and sighed.

"I should've walked you.." He sighed.

"It's not your fault." I frowned.

Chase pecked my forehead and I fell asleep in his arms.


Hermione and Harry came to visit me before dinner. I relieved Chase to eat dinner which he refused to so I had Christian and Jace escort him out.

"Hey Mione," I smiled.

Harry looked hurt.

"What're you two doing here?"

Harry sat besides me.

"I need to tell you something." Harry said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about the task." Harry said. "I know what we're doing."

"What is it?" I asked.

"You know the prefects bathroom, take a bath with the egg - shove it under the water and you'll see," Harry said.

"Hermione can I have a moment alone with Harry?" I asked.

Hermione nodded and exited the Hospital Wing.

"Why're you telling me this?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I just, I just get so jealous." Harry stuttered.

"Harry," I sighed.

I tangled our fingers together.

"Never get jealous."

"And I'm telling you well, Cedric and I are warning you so you know what's coming up." Harry sighed. "And your dad wrote."

"What did he say?" I asked

"He's worried about you." Harry frowned.

"Who isn't?"

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