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I try not to think of what we found in the forest. I try not to think about a man who died on these grounds. I try not to think at all. I heard someone sit across from me in the library booth. I looked up and my eyes met Cedric's grey ones. He reached over the table and placed a hand on my cheek.

"Are you okay," Cedric asked.

I wiped away a stray year that fell from my eye.

"Do I look okay," I sniffled

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"Do I look okay," I sniffled.

Cedric slid out of his seat and sat besides me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I leaned on his chest.

"I know what you saw was traumatizing - scary even," Cedric sighed. "Come on. I'm spending the day with you in Hogsmeade."

"I was about to head down anyway. Harry and the others should be down there - we're meeting Snuffles," I said.

Cedric smiled. Cedric slid out of the booth and smiled down at me.

"Would you like a piggy back ride," Cedric asked.

I stood on my seat and jumped onto his back. He walked out of the library and down to the Hogsmeade gates. Cedric carried me on the way down on his back to Hogsmeade. People passing by us sent us kind greetings and went on their merry ways.

"Cedric and Kiana, want to join us in Honeydukes?" Fred asked.

"No thank you, she and I are going to spend this day together. We haven't had much time for that and I am deeply sorry," Cedric smiled.

"It's fine Cedric," I chuckled.

Cedric set me down and we walked towards the Shrieking Shack.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" I asked.

"The Shrieking Shack," Cedric asked. "You know it's Cursed or something?"

"No. It's where my godfather went for his moon monthly's," I chuckled.

"Moon monthly's? That's a thing?" Cedric chuckled.

"It's my thing," I chuckled.

I played around with the Pearl in my pocket. I still haven't gave one to Cedric.

"Cedric I got you something," I said. "As a late Christmas gift."

"What is it?" Cedric asked.

"Remember when I snuck off to Hawaii?" I asked.

Cedric grinned and nodded.

"Well I went diving and I found a spot where a lot of pearls were so I got you one. I put my love into that Pearl and a few other things it should protect you from anything after all. Love is powerful," I smiled.

I handed the Pearl necklace to Cedric and wrapped it around his neck.

"Touch the Pearl, hold it gently, close your eyes and say my name," I smiled.

I heard a sudden gasp and I saw smiles form on Cedric's face. His grey eyes met my hazel eyes.

"It was beautiful," Cedric smiled.

"Keep it on you at all times. Promise me," I asked.

"I promise," Cedric smiled.

The two of us connected our pinkies together. With my free hand I held the necklace in my hand.

"As long as he shall wear this necklace - he shall be safe, alive and well no matter the spell that shall lead to his death. This necklace symbolizes and holds a piece of the love I have for my older brother," I said.

The Pearl glowed a pink color and I smiled.

"You're the best," Cedric smiled. "Does Christian and Harry have one?"

"I haven't gave them yet - but Ron, Hermione and Jake have one." I smiled. "I also have one for Josh and your misfit friends."

"My misfit friends?" Cedric chuckled.

"And dad and Moony," I chuckled. "A piece of love to go around - and when I'm not there I'll always be."

Cedric kissed the top of my head.

"You're the best sister and friend a brother could ever ask for."

Destined| Goblet of Fire: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now