The Dark Mark

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"Thanks for walking me back to the area," I smiled.

Chase sent me a small smile.

"After what happened today, figured it was the least I could do," Chase smiled.

I gently nudged his shoulder.

"How kind of you," I blushed.

Chase smiled.


Chase and I whipped around only to see Viktor.

"Come on," Viktor said.

Chase pulled me in for a quick hug.

"See you around," Chase smiled.

I sent him a small wave and continued to walk around the area looking for my tent. I then jumped at the sound of explosions and screams.

"Bloody Irish," I chuckled.

Then I heard a blood curdling scream. I turned around and saw hell break loose. I grabbed my wand out of my bag and clutched it in my hands as I ran. I noticed people who were masked and cloaked setting tents on fire and torturing muggles. I saw a little boy hanging upside down. I grabbed my wand and let him down. I pushed him behind me and held his hand.

"What's going on," I asked.

"D-death Eaters," he whimpered.

"Hold my hand and don't let go," I said.

He nodded. We were walking along in the chaos. His hand in mine. My wand raised in the air. A death eater looked right at me and approached.

"Cru," He began.


The death eater was blasted back. I pulled the fan with me further into the woods. I held his hand tight in mine. We hid behind bushes. I looked him in the eyes.

"How how old are you," I asked.

"Eleven," he answered.

"What's your name," I asked.

"Denis," he said.

I held Denis by his shoulders and sent him a comforting smile.

"I am going to keep you safe Denis," I whispered. "I promise."

I pulled Denis in for a hug. I pulled out of the hug when I heard a branch snap. I turned around and held my wand above us.

"Move," they yelled.

"Leave him alone," I spat.

Two death eaters came and pulled me off. They placed unforgivable curses on me and I screamed in pain.


I turned to the side in pain. Oliver shoved the first death eater down and casted stunners at them. Oliver carried me in his arms and held a hand out for Denis. 

"What are you," He began.

I heard another twig snap. It was a Death Eater. Oliver rose his wand.


The death eater was blasted back and down. Oliver carried me up and I pulled Denis up behind me. I held his hand tightly in mine as we moved further into the forest.

"Are you okay," Oliver asked. "Both of you?"

"If she didn't save me," Denis began.

I pulled Denis closer to me and held him in my arms.

"I'm apparating us out of here," Oliver said.

Then something shot out in the sky. The Dark Mark. I clutched onto Oliver and Denis tighter. The two of us held Denis in between us. Oliver looked me in the eyes and we apparated out of the sight and into a field.

"You're both staying here for the night, understand," Oliver sighed.

I sent him a small nod as did Denis.


"Is he alright," Oliver asked.

"A little shaken up but I put him to sleep," I sniffled.

Oliver pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you for this," I sniffled. "For finding us and taking care of us. How did you know where to find me?"

"I heard your voice," Oliver said. "How afraid you were, your scream. I had to save you."

I pulled Oliver in for a hug and sobbed in his chest. For once, I let someone take care of me.

"I felt I was so afraid it felt like my bones were on fire," I cried.

Oliver held me in his arms.

"I won't let that happen again," Oliver whispered.

"Well, hello there," Rosalyn, his younger sister said.

"Hey Rosie," I said.

"You okay," she asked.

"Peachy," I answered.

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