The Last Dinner

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"Welcome back Kiana," Nearly Headless Nick said.

I sent Nick a small smile and entered the Great Hall. I noticed how everyone's eyes rested on me and I froze. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked up and saw Cedric send me a small smile. He pulled me further inside the Great Hall.

"THE GIRL ON FIRE LIVES!" Fred yelled.

I sent him a small glare and he laughed it off. He sent me a small wink and then I heard applause. Everyone in the Great Hall applauded for us. Since Harry, Cedric and I all made it back together - we all one 1,000 galleons each. I gave mine to Fred and George as an investment plan for their joke shop. Harry gave his investment to them as well. Cedric is saving his for a flat in London for us to live in because going back to the Diggory Manor would be too painful for me.

"You scared us all," Cedric chuckled.

"Guess I did my part," I sighed. "I tend to scare people don't I?"

"You're so weird," Cedric smiled.

Cedric led me to the Gryffindor table and I saw that Gryffindor had won the House Cup.

"We were still competing in the House cup?" I chuckled.

Cedric happily shook his head and kissed my temple. He retreated back to the Hufflepuff table. Dumbledore stood up and all conversation ceased.

"We are here to celebrate the miracles of two people who have surpassed death," Dumbledore said.

All eyes on Cedric and I.

"We don't know how they survived and how this happened but we do know who put them there - Voldemort did this. Voldemort is alive again and it is my duty as your headmaster to tell the truth," Dumbledore said.

"These students showed loyalty, bravery and love during this difficult time. To Cedric Black - who put his life on the line to protect those he cares about," Dumbledore said.

We all raised our cups.

"To Kiana Black - to remain loyal and strong even when at your weakest point. To protect those at all cost that sometimes you even lose who you are but you bounce back from that," Dumbledore said.

He raised his cup and so did everyone.

"Lastly, to Harry Potter - to fight those whom we fear to protect the ones we love - for not leaving a fellow friend behind," Dumbledore said.

Dumbledore rose his cup and we all did.


I took a wild guess that the 'Miracle Boy' was Cedric. I looked behind me and I saw a faint blush on his face. He sent me a thumbs up and I sent him a wide smile.

"Tuck in."

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