Sibling Time

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"Are you sure you don't want to hang out with us?" I asked.

Christian shook his head.

"Where's that crazy sister of ours," I asked.

"I haven't seen her around," Christian said. "I'm sure she'll show up."

"To watch me lose," I chuckled.

Christian pulled me in for a hug.

"To watch you win," Christian smiled.

"Munchkin," Cedric called.

Christian and I broke from the hug and Cedric sat next to me on the bench.

"Promise me you'll wear the necklaces," I asked.

I stuck my pinky out for Cedric which he gladly took. He wrapped his pinky finger around mine and sent me a smile.

"I pinky swear," Cedric smiled.

"I heard Uncle Amos is coming down. Aunt Diana is working with the Ministry and couldn't be excused," I sighed.

"Bummer," Christian said.

"You've hung out with too many Americans," Cedric chuckled.

I nodded in agreement.

"Are you nervous?" Cedric asked.

"Why would I be nervous, I have my lucky charms here with me," I chuckled.

Christian and Cedric gave me a big brotherly hug and I chuckled.

"Aren't you guys going to miss this - next year is going to be your last year and you two won't be in this glorious school anymore with me - what if we grow to busy for each other?" I frowned.
"I don't think I want you guys to leave."

"We would never leave you. You're the best sister we could ever ask for," Cedric and Christian said in unison.

I sent them sincere smiles. Two more bodies sat in front of us. It was the Weasley twins.

"Fred and George what a pleasant surprise," I smiled.

"We are betting on Hogwarts to win. So none of you should fail us," Fred said.

"What my insensitive brother means to say is good luck," George scolded.

"Fred secretly loves me," I chuckled.

Fred blushed.

"Like a sister," Fred chuckled.

I sent him a wink and shook my head.

"We should all plan to stay at the Burrow - you two have never been there have you?" I asked.

Cedric and Christian shook their heads.

"Remember that prank we pulled on Percy," I chuckled.

"How could we forget," Fred laughed.

Cedric and I ate breakfast together before the Champions had to meet in the Quidditch field.

"I swear if I see one skrewt I am showing no mercy and I am going to kill it," I said.

Harry and Cedric broke out in laughter.

"There's our feisty sister," Cedric said.

"Yes, yes, I am back - I want to see those necklaces on you two if you're going to compete," I scolded.

"Yes ma'am," Harry chuckled.


"Come here, I'll fix your hair before the task," Ginny said as we waited in Hermione and I's dorm room.

Hermione watched us from her bed in awe.

"You know, I really liked you and Cedric together Hermione, that girl Cho seems like trouble." Ginny said.

I nodded. Ginny brushed through my black hair and began to french braid it to the side.

 Ginny brushed through my black hair and began to french braid it to the side

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"How do you like it," she asked, as she held her mirror up.

I gave her a thumbs up and looked at my watch.

"It's time to head down.." I said hesitantly.

"Let's go win this round." Ginny and Hermione said in unison.

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