Band Mates

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"Oh come on Kay," Christian chuckled as the three of us entered the Great Hall. "It was hilarious."

I rolled my eyes and flicked his ear.

"Dude. Cho's coming. Look alive," Christian said hurriedly.

Together the twins fixed their hair and ditched me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the Gryffindor table. I felt someone sit besides me and judging by the cinnamon it was Kayla.

"What do you want Kayla," I hissed.

"I want my older brother back," she snapped. "Every since that Cho girl entered their lives we've been neglected."

I agreed.

"What should we do about it? Kayla, you and I, we don't get along.." I groaned.

Kayla nodded.

"True. We can try," she offered.

"We did, you stole Jace," I spat.

"And I'm sorry.." She apologized. "Forgive me?"

"Promise me something," I asked.

Kayla nodded.

"Don't double cross me again. We are twin sisters, we should try to get along. Look how well the boys have.." I whispered.

Kayla nodded and pulled me in a hug which I shrugged off.

"Baby steps.." I muttered.

She nodded.

"What do we do?" Kayla asked. "About Chang."

"Date boys.. Get injured.." I offered.

Kayla smirked.

"I swear, you're meant to be in Slytherin," She giggled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Too far," She stopped and I nodded.

"It's the only time they actually pay attention to us now," I explained.

Kayla nodded.

"Ms. Kiana Diggory," a first year Hufflepuff said shyly.

I looked up and smiled at the young boy.

"What can I do for you Dennis," I asked.

Dennis smiled.

"You remember my name?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Dumbledore needs to see you, says it's urgent," Dennis smiled.

I quickly nodded and waved goodbye to the boy. I then waved a quick goodbye to Kayla and exited the Great Hall. I made my way to Professor Dumbledore's office.

"Lemon drops."

The gargoyle moved out of my way and I climbed up the spiral staircase.

"Hello professor," I greeted.

"Hello Kiana," Dumbledore smiled ,"Have a seat."

I nodded and took a seat.

"We have two things to talk about today," Dumbledore began. "First order of business, the two schools are arriving tonight so we need to set up the Great Hall, I assume you have a song ready?"

I nodded.

"Great," Dumbledore smiled. "Second order of business, your training. I'd like to start sometime this week?"

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