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"Kiana are you sure you don't need my help," Hermione asked.

"Harry needs it more than I do," I admitted.

Tomorrow was the tournament and I've been literally stressing over what to do.

"Kiana," Hermione frowned.

"I'll be fine Hermione, if I recall I'm pretty smart myself." I snapped.

Hermione rolled her eyes and nodded.

"I'll just go and help Harry then." Hermione said and walked out.

"Yeah. You do that," I snapped.

I re-read the Advanced Transfiguration book Madam Pince let me borrow. Turn myself invisible ? Turn myself into a small creature ? Turn myself into a dragon? Seems risky.

"Hey," someone said.

I looked up from my book to find Chase.

"Chase - listen. I'm busy right now," I sighed.

"Mind if I sit?" He asked.

"Chase - I'm really busy so no. Please, maybe later," I sighed.

"You look a little tense, maybe you need a break," Chase said. "Advanced Transfiguration?"

"Homework," I lied.

"You're really smart," Chase blushed.

I nodded.

"Are you excited for the first task," Chase asked.

"Super excited," I said sarcastically.

"You don't sound excited," he frowned.

"I'm not," I admitted,"I didn't want to be in this tournament."

"I believe it," Chase smiled.

He reached across the table and held my hand.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I can just look at you and believe you," Chase smiled.

"Thanks Chase," I blushed. "It really means a lot."

"You're welcome," he smiled. "And if you don't mind - I would like to watch you study."

"Chase - I don't -" I began.

Chase took my book from my hands and closed it. He rose from his seat and smirked. He walked out of the Library.

"Chase I have too - " I began to protest. "Madam Pince, did you see that?"

"He's right you know, you need a break," she giggled. "I suggest you chase after him."

I got up from my booth and began running in the direction Chase was running in.

"Kiana?" Harry said as I ran by.

"No time gotta," I yelled as I ran down the hall.

I pulled my wand out and sighed. I saw Chase heading out of the castle.

"Petrificus Totales."

Chase's body stopped running and went tumbling down a hill. I ran down the hill and tripped over a rock tumbling down after him. I ended up on his body and released the body bind charm.

"You could've just asked me to stop," Chase chuckled and then coughed.

"Would you," I asked coughing.

"No because this wouldn't have happened," he blushed.

I felt his lips brush against my mine and I started to get off of him. He pulled me down and laid me beside him as we laid under the starry sky.

"I - I really like you Kiana," Chase smiled.

"I like you too Chase," I chuckled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Chase asked.

"Chase - I - I don't do relationships." I said. "I really do like you its just - I'm damaged."

"Damaged?" Chase asked.

"Listen - after you dropped me in my area - the death eaters came and I saved a boy who comes here - who is in my House. The Death Eaters found us and I risked my life for him - they used the Cruciatus curse on me multiple times and - look... I'm just not ready," I sighed.

It got silent between us.

"Hey Kiana," Chase said.

"Yes Chase," I asked.

"Let's get working on your homework," he smiled.

Together Chase and I walked up to the castle hand in hand.

Destined| Goblet of Fire: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now