Secret Revealed

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I finally felt up to speed on the task. The only thing that worried the most was what they were taking. I mostly cared about people, my guitar, my songbook and my broomstick. I bumped into someone's shoulder. I looked up and saw that it was just Harry. I then noticed his clenched fists and the woman who was walking towards us.

"Harry, where's Hagrid?" I asked.

Harry nervously nudged his shoulders and pointed at the woman approaching us.

"My name is Professor Grubbly-Plank," she said briskly. "I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

"Where's Hagrid?" Harry and I asked loudly.

"He is indisposed." She answered.

I heard laughter from the other side of the pitch. It was your very own douche bag Slytherins. I was angry, frustrated and right now I feel as if I could blow something up.

"This way, Please?" she asked.

I broke off from the group and snuck into the Forbidden Forest to try and calm down. I hastily breathed in and out. Fire sparked from the palm of my hand. Everything has been hectic and I've been holding in this anger and frustration I just wanted to let go. I heard a twig snap nearby and I quickly turned only to find Harry staring at me.

"What did you just do?" Harry asked.

Harry began to approach me and I walked away from him.

"Harry, I'm still learning how to control it, please stay back." I cried. "If I hurt you I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

Harry didn't listen and approached me. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt all that rage and anger disappear.

"Please tell me what's going on.." Harry frowned.

"I promised Dumbledore I wouldn't." I sighed.

"Dumbledore knows?" Harry asked.

I hesitantly nodded.

"But I can't make you forget what you've seen so promise me you won't tell a soul about what I am about to tell you." I said.

"I promise." Harry smiled.

"Swear to me that if you tell my secret you will never speak to me again," I sighed.

Harry nodded.

"I'm dangerous Harry, if anyone found out what I am.. they'll either use me or kill me." I sighed.

"Then I swear on my parents grave that I'd never tell a soul." Harry smiled.

"I'm a protector." I sighed.

"Huh?" Harry asked.

"A Protector, I can control the elements after I handle controlling my emotions. I can see visions and control the weather. I can do a lot of things. My main purpose is to protect my soul mate who I'm magically bound too but it takes a while to find the soul mate, according to Dumbledore I need to experience some tragedy and wait for my soulmate to help me. I've been missing lessons to see Dumbledore. I've been going to the Hospital Wing for every fail attempt I tried at controlling my emotions." I explained.

"Woah." Harry sighed.

He then wrapped his arms around me and pecked my temple.

"I never knew you were under so much pressure." He sighed.

"You have no idea," I sighed.

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