Hogwarts Express

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"Have a good year," Diana said.

I looked her in the eyes and nodded. I felt a hand wrap around mine. I turned to the side and saw Cedric smiling down at me.

"See you around aunt Diana," Cedric smiled.

Cedric pulled me along with him into the train. He set me inside an empty compartment.

"Do you want me to stay," he asked.

I shook my head.

"Kay," Cedric began.

"I'm fine. The others should be here by now," I sighed.

Cedric placed a kiss on my forehead and kneeled in front of me.

"You're my little sister, you mean the world to me if anything happens to you," Cedric began.

I sent him a fake smile.

"I'm fine Cedric," I said.

Cedric gave me one last hug and I smiled.

"Go, I see Jake coming already," I chuckled.

Cedric kissed me on my cheek and exited the compartment. Jake entered.

"What happened," Jake asked.

"Cedric being the worried brother he is," I sighed.

"Other than the World Cup, how was your summer," Jake asked.

"Well, I spent most of it touring. Then I came home only to find out that Jace and Kayla had something going on with one another. Pathetic isn't it," I scoffed.

Jake clenched his fists and stood up.

"Where are you going," I asked.

Jake stopped at the door and let out a small growl.

"I may not be stronger than Jace, but I do love you Kay, he hurt you, he needs to feel the pain," Jake frowned.

"Jake. Don't be ridiculous. We can prank him and Kayla all year, it'll be fun," I chuckled.

Jake groaned and shook his head before sitting next to me.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"Don't apologize, I think it's sweet you're protective of me best friend," I chuckled.

Jake blushed.

"Remember how we became friends," Jake asked.

I nodded.

"I almost tripped on the first day here, you saved me from embarrassment," I giggled.

"Yeah, I'm glad I became friends with the most smartest, beautiful and kindest witch ever," Jake chuckled.

I gently nudged his shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"Hey people, getting cozy," Ron chuckled as he entered.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at me.

"I'm fine guys, really," I lied.

Destined| Goblet of Fire: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now