Chapt. 2

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"You forgot that." Karlie states dryly from the couch. It's been a little over a week since Taylor left her and she's been in and out grabbing her belongings. Usually she did it when Karlie was working but today she was off.

Taylor twists around to look at Karlie, seemingly confused. Karlie sighs and points to an all too familiar dress hanging on their old bedroom door.

"Yeah I'll grab that in a second." Taylor responds neutrally before turning back to her packing task.

Karlie swigs her beer and takes the opportunity to look Taylor over. She was wearing old faded jeans, some flats and a black band tee shirt. With her hair up and a bandana tied on top. So natural and effortlessly beautiful. It hurt.

Actually, it all hurt. Every night Karlie had to come home to an even emptier apartment. It was all just another reminder that Taylor was gone. Thankfully, Karlie has been busy and spending more time at her bar. Surprisingly Kendall was kicking ass and Karlie actually enjoyed the younger girls company. They've somewhat begun a friendship.

Taylor takes another two boxes and closes them with packing tape. She scribbles on them with sharpie, probably for storage, before hauling them to her car.

Karlie openly watches her now ex girlfriend step out. When Taylor isn't in sight she sits up and holds her head in her hands. Why did Taylor have to do this? More like, why was this so damn hard?

Deep down she knew Taylor wasn't to blame. Mistakes happen, Karlie knew that all too well. She was painfully aware that she had been drinking all too much. Paying more attention to the beer in the fridge than the girl at the kitchen table. She had been pushing Taylor away unintentionally and now she was out of her grasp.

She's able to pull herself together and back to that blue steel look just at Taylor enters again. Karlie peers forward and ignores the obvious concerned state Taylor is giving her.

"Are you okay Kar?"

To that, a laugh. "I'm dandy Swift. Noo problems here." Karlie hums sarcastically as she takes another pull at her beer. To her surprise, Taylor walks over and takes the beer from her hands.

"Hey!" Karlie huffs, sitting forward and looking shocked.

"I'm so sick of seeing you like this."

Karlie stands and slightly stumbles over towards Taylor. She can see Taylor hold her breath as she approaches. Now standing inches apart Karlie stares coldly into Taylor's crystal blue eyes. Gently she takes the beer away from Taylor's hands, flinching slightly when their fingers brush. She chugs the rest of the beer as Taylor watches her, lips slightly parted.

Karlie leans in closer, their faces inches apart. "So then don't look."

Taylor releases the breath she's been holding and Karlie snickers before parting and heading toward the kitchen. Taylor is stuck in her stance. Her heart is pounding and her breathing is uneven. She wants to scream, cry and plead all at the same time.

Slowly she approaches Karlie from behind. Carefully she puts her hands on Karlie's arms and feels Karlie shake under her touch. Taylor applies a bit of pressure, suggesting to Karlie to turn around to which she complies.

They're face to face again. And in a very conflicting thought, Taylor imagines kissing Karlie right then and there. Instead they intensely study each other's eyes. Finally Taylor moves in and pulls Karlie into a small hug. As soon as it happened through its over and Taylor offers a small smile before turning and crossing the room again to grab her dress.

Taylor pauses at the apartment door, it all makes her sad. They've lived here together for three out of the seven years they've been together. Although she's grown to hate it, it has its memories. Reaching into her pocket she remembers the single key it holds and plays with it in her hand for a moment. Deciding to lift it for Karlie to see, then setting it on the coffee table.

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