Chapt. 6

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Waking up in the state of New York was the first great thing that happened to Taylor Swift this morning. The second, the cup of coffee she's currently sharing with Kendall at a small cafe that was only down the road from the airport.

Once and a while they can feel the rumbles of other red eye jets coming in for landing as they inch closer and closer down to the ground.

"Thank you for coming to get me." Taylor says with a smile as she sips her coffee.

"No problem," Kendall says, mouth half full with the French toast she was having. She offers an apologetic shrug when Taylor shoots her a motherly look before wiping her face with the napkin. "I should be the one saying thank you, you're paying." She winks with a laugh.

Taylor laughs too, she can't even pretend to be mad at Kendall's little jokes. She's back home, right now. The one place she's wanted to be for a little over four months now, and here she is. Part of her wants to break out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter and the other part of her just wants to cry. It's a very nostalgic feeling, it's one she's been aching to fill for a long time now.

"I can't believe I'm actually here." She says, mainly to herself but she knows Kendall easily heard her. There's a silent thank you that comes from Taylor when Kendall doesn't acknowledge what she's said, probably seeing that it was more of a personal statement, or even a personal victory.

Kendall finishes her plate and sinks back into her seat. She looks tired which makes Taylor feel bad for dragging her out so early, yet at the same time she looks relieved. Or maybe the right word would be, content. The unspoken word between them is that Kendall will finally not have to hold in this huge secret about Taylor from Karlie any longer. It's been a hard time doing so already, now she just hopes that'll come to an end soon.

The older blonde reaches out and pats the top of Kendall's hand, they both stand to leave, hearing another plane rumble through as Taylor throws down some money on the table. They head out to the Range Rover, the sun is on its way up and leaves a golden glow over the day so far. It's a beautiful time to be awake.

Cranking the car to life, Kendall takes off out of the parking lot and merges her way into early morning traffic. Taylor fumbles around on her phone, she's too nervous to bring up Karlie yet. No matter how much her relationship with Kendall has grown these last months, it's very clear to her that Kendall will always take Karlie's side in a heartbeat. And she's not bitter because of it. In fact, she loves their close relationship. There is a genuine love between those two, it's unbreakable and quite beautiful to witness.

"So boss, what's the game plan?" Kendall asks as she cuts over to the right lane and makes their way out of the city.

Taylor looks over with her mouth slightly agape, not exactly sure what she should say. She forgot to make a plan. Nervously she chews the inside of her cheek, trying to think of something but she knows that the only romantic thing you can do sometimes is show up, and pour your heart out.

She shrugs, "I'm going over there tonight and I'm just going to lay it all on the line. That I love her and that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. No more being apart, no more holding back."

Looking over, Taylor can see the genuine smile on Kendall's face that makes her own heart happy and sad at the same time. It hurts her to think about how much silent pressure Kendall has been under, from both sides. Whether it's been the unknown trips to her office that was hidden from Karlie, the endless phone calls concerning work and Taylor's illness, or Karlie talking about Taylor. It must be hard, and Taylor makes a mental note to make it up to her.

Kendall has been too good to both of them, even when they didn't deserve it.

"Have you heard from Gigi?" Taylor asks carefully, making the question sound nonchalant so that Kendall wouldn't become defensive. She knows that the breakup has been hard on her but Kendall is the type to bottle it all up and not let anyone know she's hurting.

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