Chapt. 24

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"...I swear, it's been the worst week of my life."

Taylor remarks seriously as she sips on the coffee in front of her. The sun is shining today and the coffee shop is just busy enough to have the perfect amount of background noise.

She looks at the person sitting in front of her. Admiring how simple yet professional, and grown they look. With their khaki skinny jeans and pair of heels, white turtle neck that fit very loosely and long, hunter green pea coat. Her hair was thrown up into a loose bun, with two strands of hair on each side pulled down. She watches as the individuals eyes gaze lazily out the large window of the coffee shop. As their hands barley cup their own coffee, seemingly lost in an unknown thought.

But as Taylor finds herself in admiration, she's thrown off when the person unexpectedly turns to face her again. Their green eyes shining against the sunlight streaming in.

"You were staring." Karlie comments sheepishly with a the faintest tint of pink gracing her defined cheeks. She's now the one watching Taylor intently, their eyes meeting and mixing. As if they're speaking that unspoken language they've always known.

"You look really beautiful today." Taylor eventually responds in a soft tone. And her cheeks become red when Karlie's perfect smile opens wide. To which Taylor could swear that more sunlight poured in because of it.

Karlie's smile stays a little longer, but fades sooner than Taylor would like. "I've had a bad week too." She admits shyly, as she turns her attention back out the large window next to her. Gently, Taylor reaches out and takes one of Karlie's hands in her own.

She offers a reassuring smile when she knows she's caught Karlie's attention again. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks tentatively. And feels a slight pain when Karlie just shrugs and shakes her head.

"Not that I don't want to," Karlie catches quickly, probably seeing Taylor tense up. "It's just, there isn't much to say." She shrugs off as she begins to play with Taylor's fingers that are laced with her own.

Taylor shrugs and sips her coffee. "You could try." She suggests and Karlie allows herself to stuff a laugh.

"Kendall and I just got into a weird fight." She finally confesses through another pregnant pause. "We're okay it's just that.. Well that's just it. I don't know." She begins but stops herself. She doesn't like Taylor knowing that she still has such a hard time with controlling her drinking. Her main goal in life is to just ease Taylor's. She doesn't have to worry about anything.

Unless it got serious.

Just when Karlie has realized she really would rather not be talking about this and especially with Taylor, she retracts herself and politely asks to change the subject. She hates being distracted, especially when she's finally gotten a chance to spend some extra time with Taylor. They've been apart for about a week now and it hasn't been easy.

Taylor calls and texts her everyday. Which is the highlight of both of their days. Taylor has been slaving away at the firm, she's had a steady stream of new clients recently and is swamped in her office. Which she's been fine with, but Dianna is still there. And the tension around the firm has been extremely awkward..

*A few days earlier*

"Well thank you Ms. Swift." Dr. Carver announces as he shakes her hand and ushers his delinquent son towards her office doors. They're now standing in her waiting room, with Dianna right there listening. "It's always a pleasure to see you, although I wish I wouldn't have to. It would be nice if my son could stay out of jail for five minutes." He continues with a disapproving tone.

Taylor nods, unsure of how to react to that but it's not out of the ordinary. Dr. Carver's son Max was only a senior in high school and Taylor has defended him in about five cases in the past three years. It's exhausting. Yet she just keeps working his case, and keeps getting paid.

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