Chapt. 4

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Taylor wakes up to the sound of her cell phone ringing. In a scrambled manor she answers, only to be met with Charles on the other line.

"Taylor? Jesus Taylor, I've been calling for an hour! We're at court and we're waiting for you. It's the last day of our case before jury deliberates. Where the hell are you?" He grumbles as Taylor listens closely, sitting up in her bed and doing her best to fight off the sleepy feeling still lingering over her.

Shit! I'm late! Taylor thinks as she grabs her watch on the stand and sees that it's almost noon. "I am so sorry, I was sick last night. I'm on my way." She lies quickly before hanging up the phone and running into the bathroom to shower.

Taylor gets in quick, panicking about being late to court. This hasn't ever happened before, she wasn't even hungover! She just simply overslept. Which is something she's never done before either but today must be different, she just can't figure out why. That is, until she's stepping out of the shower and it hits her again.

"I had a dream about Karlie." She mumbles lightly, remembering the dream she was just woken up from. Instantly she freezes in front of the bathroom mirror. She stares into it, remembering her dream instantly.

There was a house on a hill, and Taylor and Karlie were curled up in bed. Taylor had woken up to a bright pair of green eyes looking back at her. There's no talking between them, just smiles that turn into soft kisses. A breeze comes through an open window as Taylor and Karlie burry themselves deeper into the feather down blankets when their bedroom door opens. Two boys run inside and jump on the bed, Taylor and Karlie erupting in laughter as they grab and tickle them both. Still unspoken, Karlie begins to take the boys out of bed and as they begin to head out the door, she turns to Taylor and smiles.

"Are you coming baby?" She asks curiously, with a big ring shining on her finger.

And that's when Taylor woke up.

Tears streak her face as she continues to stare into the mirror half dressed. She allows herself the time to cry before rushing again to get dressed and head downtown. She makes a call down to the lobby, thankfully a car was available for her to take so she wouldn't be later than she already is.

Slipping on her heels frantically she grabs her brief case and phone from the desk before running out her hotel door and down to the lobby.

When she arrives, she collects herself. At this point she never knew when press would be around or where they'd show up at. She couldn't wait till that was over.
In an instant, she's slipped into a black Lincoln and taken immediately down to the court house.

Her mind and heart race heavily. Any other time she would be panicking and riddled with anxiety for what awaits her, but work is the last thing on her mind.

Karlie is the first thing.

After her dream last night, all she wants is to go home to Karlie. A feeling that hasn't left her in almost four months now but today, it's stronger than ever. She's thought about going home before but has been fearful of what could await her there. Not right now though.

And maybe she's influenced by her dream or maybe she just knows what she has to do. When Kendall came over as a surprise and they went out, Taylor ended up crying over the entire situation. Kendall had told Taylor about how Karlie has been doing and Taylor eventually pressured her into talking about Toni and Karlie.

In which Kendall says they're doing good but when she said that they weren't together yet and planned on taking everything ridiculously slow, Taylor really got her hopes up. For the first time in a long time, she's felt hopeful. She feels like maybe there could be a chance to get her life back.

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