Chapt. 9

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Six months later.

Karlie skims her hand over a stained glass lamp she's debating buying. She likes the colors, a dark maroon with a royal purple that's surrounded by faint patches of yellow and cracks of orange.

"Do you think this would look good in the living room," Karlie suddenly asks over her shoulder; turning her head seeing Kendall standing directly behind her, "next to those corner windows?" She adds.

"So the light will come in on it?" Karlie nods, "Yeah I think that'll look great." Kendall finishes with a gentle smile. Karlie returns a shorter one, picking up the lamp and setting it in her cart. She goes to look up at Kendall but the sound of a voice they both know well rings out, capturing their attention towards her.

"Yes!" Taylor laughs aloud with one of the store clerks. "I think that's so funny." She adds to whatever unknown conversations the two are having. Karlie folds her arms and leans back against the display table, she closes her eyes and smiles, she loves hearing Taylor laugh.

Opening her eyes just seconds later she takes out her phone and captures two quick photos of the girl.

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Staring down at the photos with a sad smile she feels Kendall's hand connect with her shoulder

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Staring down at the photos with a sad smile she feels Kendall's hand connect with her shoulder. Looking up she's met with the same supportive smile she's gotten from her best friend for the last six months.

"She looks good. The hair looks nice." Kendall says quietly, Karlie just nods in response. Taylor decided randomly she wanted to cut her hair last month.


Huffing and irritable, Taylor comes storming out of the shower wrapped in a towel and dropping wet. Karlie looks up from the paper, she sits up on the couch and looks at her fiancé.

"I'm cutting it." Taylor says dryly.

"You're what?" Karlie responds, knowing exactly what Taylor is taking about. She's been saying it for weeks, every time she gets out of the shower and insists that she's loosing more hair than normal.

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