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Karlie Chapter.

"We've barley hit the road and I need coffee."

Kendall groans as she slouches down into the passenger seat of her Range Rover. She decided Karlie could drive, still feeling lagged and added to the fact that she had no idea where Karlie's parents lived. She had assumed it would be a short drive since she knew that after college, Karlie and Taylor migrated near home. But still, she wasn't up to be driving.

Lucky for her, Karlie laughed and happily pulled into a Starbucks drive thru. They decided to leave way too early, only being able to spend the entire day and a night there. Karlie decided last minute she wanted to be back tomorrow by noon. So Kendall sipped her coffee and hooked up her Bluetooth, playing some mellowed music for their early morning as they headed into the sunrise ahead.

Part of her was nervous. Mostly because she knew Karlie was super close with her family, and although she herself has a huge family, they're pretty distant. More involved with their own worlds. So Kendall being able to visit and see a "normal" family was something she wasn't to sure of how to feel about. Her and Karlie always spoke of meeting the Kloss family. Kendall just didn't really understand why it was happening so spontaneously.

"Why do you seem nervous Ken?" Karlie laughs from the drivers seat.

Kendall shrugs, "I mean I am but I'm not. I guess I'm just confused?" She finally confesses. Her emotions have been weird since she arrived back home. As if what she left behind was ever so present, more than it had been before. And Karlie was hiding something, but so was she.

The older girl sighs heavily and pauses before considering her response. "I think we have a lot to talk about Kendall. Obviously last night was just weird. And maybe I should've explained the whole visiting my parents thing. I don't want to completely do this right now though. We have all day to talk and that's what this trip is about. But it's also about the fact that I want my best friend to meet my family. A lot has happened since you left. So I was to distract us, yet address us. I hope that makes sense." Karlie says steadily. Kendall can already tell she's way more confident than she was last night when they began to talk, so that was comforting. Actually it all was.

"Well that makes more sense to me. I'm your best friend?" Kendall asks more quietly now. And the smile that comes to Karlie's face is even more reassuring.

"Absolutely. Listen Kenny I had one friend my entire life and then obviously Taylor. When I graduated early, I missed a lot of the time I could've had with my friend. And then she moved to England a little over a year later. I've literally been alone. Of course I had Taylor but, what can you tell about the person you're dating, to the person you're dating?" Karlie laughs, "Nothing. And she had two friends who moved to California, so she's seen them. I have had no one, and then you came along and..."

"And I kind of blurred the lines.." Kendall admits, slightly embarrassed once she realizes the context.

But Karlie shakes her head and rests a hand on Kendall's shoulder. "You gave me a friend again. And maybe more than that at times yes, but you gave me that much needed outlet. I'll never be able to thank you enough for that."

Kendall smiles, feeling like the decision she too made over her vacation will be much more easier now than ever. Especially since she can already tell where Karlie is going with all of this. "I'll always be your best friend Kar."

The older girl brings both hands back to the wheel and keeps her head forward. She hopes Kendall means what she's saying. Because with everything that's been progressing again with Taylor, she really doesn't want to lose the one person she loves spending time with. "I hope you mean that Kendall because I'd be lost without your crazy ass. And a lot has happened that I promise I'll explain. But you have to promise to enjoy today too." Karlie states strongly again.

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