Chapt. 8

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"Taylor.. Stop."

Taylor breaks away from their perfect kiss with eyes close as she enjoyed the last feeling of bliss. Until she opened her eyes and realized she was indeed standing there and sharing such a kiss, with her ex.

Immediately she feels horrible and guilty. Here she stood holding Karlie unbelievably close and kissing her in a way neither of them knew possible. She's standing there kissing Karlie, and not her girlfriend. However the overwhelming thought of the feelings she was holding in this moment towards Karlie scared the life out of her.

Like a new or renewed love happening all over again.

To which she knew Karlie agreed or felt the same, because the slightly younger girls head was hanging low. Taylor wanted to do anything to bring Karlie's lips back to her own, to fix all that she could with this one singular moment, this one heart filled kiss. It's not until she feels herself silently crying that she sees Karlie faintly holding back tears too.

"Karlie please, look at me." Taylor whispers and even flinches at her own desperate sound of her voice. "Kar." Taylor asks again and her heart falls when Karlie pulls away, shaking her head. Taylor's arms fall heavily to her side, her whole body felt like a weight crashing into her soul. She just wants Karlie to look at her.

"You should go to bed." Karlie whispers quietly and Taylor takes off into Karlie's bedroom without another word.

Karlie touches her own lips, still feeling Taylor's on them. Carefully she wipes her tears as her cloudy mind can't seem to properly function.

Why did that just happen, damnit. I set boundaries for a reason, for this very reason. God I'm so stupid! Karlie remarks mentally as she now turns her vision of focus towards the fridge. She glances towards her bedroom door to make sure Taylor wasn't going to come out.

When she's sure Taylor wouldn't, she makes it to the fridge and grabs a bottle of jack.

Karlie wasn't lying before to Taylor. She really has been trying to get better, but that kiss was enough to fuck her up for a lifetime. She ignores getting a glass and simply takes the bottle with her into the living room.

She settles onto her couch, careful to not make a noise and stir Taylor. She felt horrible for breaking that kiss, because she really wanted it too. And that's the first time she can say she's ever felt Taylor so burning and intensity. It was as though they were absolutely drawn to each other. Almost as though keeping away from each other was some unspoken sin.

And it felt good. To feel Taylor this way, to melt under her touch and mold once more with the only body she's ever gotten to know. It was always like the two were made for each other.

Karlie settles into the couch further with every stinging swig of the alcohol she takes. She plays some soft music on her phone, enough for her to hear in hopes to drown her thoughts faster but it's no use. She can't stop thinking about how good Taylor felt and how much she wants to be in that bed with her right now.

Yet she knows if she ever did then that'd be breaking anything they've ever had. Not only would it hurt them but it will indeed hurt Dianna and although Karlie didn't care much for how Taylor's intern felt, she wasn't going to do that to her.

More importantly she wasn't going to do it to herself or Taylor. Their friendship has been amazing since they've reconnected. Sure there's been moments of flirting or suggested behavior but that all felt so natural to both of them. Karlie feels the sensation that still lingers on her lips once more. Because that felt so natural too.

She doesn't know how or why but it's now almost three in the morning and she's practically finished with her bottle. As she stands to use the bathroom it scares her at how sober she still feels.

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