Chapt. 21

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Taylor slightly sticks her tongue out. Purely for complete aide in concentration as she tries to cut in on the ceiling above her.

When she realizes she can't exactly reach the spot she's intending despite her height and the stool she's on, she rethinks her position. Moving herself to the very edge of the stool, lifting her right leg back and stretching forward. It goes fine, until the stool starts wiggling from under her.

"Aaahhh!" She yells, as she closes her eyes hard and braces for impact. Instead she feels arms wrap around her waist and steady her. When she knows she's steady and stable she opens her eyes. "Phew, thank you for saving me." She says as she turns her head and looks into Karlie's terrified green eyes.

The brunettes hands are still lingering on Taylor's waist but neither of them are saying anything. Simply staring into each other's eyes intently. Karlie seemingly snaps out of her daydream and responds.

"You're welcome..." She begins, "You know, I knew you shouldn't have been standing there. You're not too handy and you could've been like, killed or something." She says sternly. And despite the fact that the brunette is clearly not impressed, Taylor begins to giggle. "Not funny Taylor I'm serious!" Karlie exclaims.

The blonde giggles some more, "it kind of is. You're exaggerating." She retorts, still gazing into her ex's eyes.

"Well come on. You need to pay attention, and if you can't reach then ask becau- You can't get paint on the floor, Taylor!" Karlie now shouts through her rant and points, as her eyes seemingly catch the slightest paint spot from Taylor's brush onto the hardwood floors.

Taylor lifts her brush in a hurry but tilts her head back, laughing hard. Despite her almost falling and now this slight paint spill, they've been having the best evening together. Karlie had come over earlier around dinner. She even brought fresh groceries and cooked dinner..


There's a knock at the door as Taylor hurriedly adjusts her old shorts and ripped up tee shirt. The knocking seems frantic and she knows Karlie is just messing with her.

"I'm coming, fucking relax." Taylor laughs as she pulls open her apartment door. Although she knew it would be Karlie, she was surprised by what the younger girl had brought. Bags of groceries.

Taylor just focused on how great she looked in old clothes.

Openly, Taylor's eyes run up Karlie from her long tanned legs to her beautiful green eyes. She's wearing old shorts that Taylor knows are from high school, along with their "SENIOR" shirts that all the seniors get during homecoming week. It's old, and there's a slight hole right under the neck collar, but Taylor loves it. And she's pretty positive that it smells like Karlie.

Which is confirmed when Karlie moves her way into the house, setting groceries on the counter and then turning around quickly to hug the older girl.

"I've missed you." Karlie mumbles sweetly into Taylor. Sending obvious chills throughout her body.

They separate, and Taylor gestures to the groceries sitting there. "I missed you too. But what's all this?" She questions as she crosses her arms and leans up against her counter with a side smile. Mostly to just take Karlie in some more.

"This, is dinner." Karlie says proudly as she just beams and instantly begins to move her way around Taylor's kitchen. The blonde laughs to herself, shaking her head as she relaxes her body. God, it felt so good to be here with Karlie. Her mind was clear whenever Karlie came around. And she loved how Karlie never fails to make her feel safe.

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