Chapt. 22

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"I don't want you to go!"

Taylor giggles with a fake pout as she grips Karlie's waist tightly and attempts to pull the stronger girl back into her apartment. They've been like this all morning. Goofing around and laughing ever since the sun came up.

"Taylor, I'm stronger." Karlie laughs as she easily pulls away from Taylor's grip. And then taking the blondes hands and pinning her against the wall, closing the apartment door with her foot. They're both laughing and trying to prove the other is stronger. Karlie's tongue is partially sticking out as she tries keeping Taylor where she's at. "Now stop you weirdo, I have to be at the bar tonight." Karlie complains as she lets go of Taylor's wrists.

The older girls face looks a bit slumped, probably because she knows what tonight is at the bar. "It's ladies night." She mumbles, as she clicks her tongue and glances up at Karlie.

The brunette nods, "Yes, it is. Relax. I own the bar, I only work it when it's absolutely necessary." She reassures, yet she can't help but smile inside. Taylor's clearly a bit jealous, in a good way. Karlie's taking it as knowing the older girl still cares.

The blonde looks down from her favorite green eyes, her hands move forward and lightly grip the golden necklace hanging from Karlie's neck. She pulls her attention to that, as a thought traces her mind that she knows she needs to ask.

"Karlie.. Have you slept with or like, dated anyone since we've broken up?" Taylor asks quiet but tenderly. She can't bring herself to look up, she's been afraid of the answer. But the question has been silently burning at the back of her mind.

Karlie gulps. "Only Kendall." She remarks internally but she shakes that, she can't tell Taylor. It could break her heart. Wouldn't it? "No. I uh, I haven't." She gets out, it's harder to say than she really thought.

And it doesn't sound convincing, it sounds guilty.

Somehow, Taylor doesn't even seem to notice. She drops her hands and looks back up at Karlie. She offers a small genuine smile and pecks Karlie's cheek. Yet she can tell something is suddenly off, the brunettes jaw is tight and her eyes are screaming curiosity.


Karlie shakes her head, "I'm not complaining or being an ass, but how can you ask me that when you were with Dianna and-"

She's interrupted, by Taylor shaking her head in absolute disagreement and then her voice. "Karlie, we've talked about this? As much as I am a fool for what has happened and what I've done, I never did that."

Karlie's brow furrows, and her heart picks up a guilty speed. "Wait you were being serious? I assumed you were kidding? You're telling me that after what like, almost a year of you two having a thing that you seriously never had sex?"

Taylor nods in agreement. "That's exactly what I'm telling you." She remarks as she takes Karlie's hands softly in her own. "Just because I fucked up, doesn't mean it didn't hurt me. I've always felt guilty, and although I may have suggested or even tried to, I never went that far with her." She concludes. And she knows that Karlie didn't actually need to know that, but it felt good saying it. Their new beginning felt more genuine and content.

It takes a moment, and Taylor can tell that Karlie is somehow lost in a deep thought. At first it's okay but the longer that she's quiet, the more Taylor becomes a bit worried. "Kar?"

The brunette comes back to reality, "mhm?" She hums as her eyes find Taylor's again.

"Are you okay?"

No, I'm fucking mad at myself. "Yeah I'm fine. I just remembered I have a lot to do at the bar for tonight. And it's Kendall's first ladies night back, so.." Karlie trails off, suggesting that they should probably leave.

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