Chapt. 35

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*please be sure to read my authors note at the end, for some important info*

One week later

Taylor struggles greatly trying to zip the last bag of luggage she has left. With one knee on the bag and a hard tug however, the suitcase zips shut and Taylor allows herself to fall back onto the empty floor.

She peers around sadly at her empty apartment that had been cleared all out yesterday. The only thing left was her bed, and a department was coming to pick up the bed this afternoon, Kendall was handling that. The poor girl was handling a lot.

She looks at the time on her watch and sighs heavily. It's ten in the morning and her flight leaves at one today. Her and Charles would be flying out to California together. Karlie would be leaving today too but her flight isn't until later in the afternoon, and Taylor's been bummed she can't see her longer.

Which is why she's up and ready so early today, she wants to say a proper goodbye to Karlie. The single thought that's been heavy on her heart this past week.

The two wanted to spend more time together but they haven't had all the time they hoped. Taylor had to work to close further cases she's been handling, she had to work to secure her firm and has been teaching Kendall some small things around the office just to maintain it, and then she had to close the lease on her apartment early.

Needless to say she's had an emotionally draining week.

And now she stands, putting on a jacket and collecting the rest of her bags. She takes one last look around her empty apartment, before switching off the lights and heading out the door.

Outside the sun shines bright already on the early morning. Taylor keeps her head down, lost in thought of the reality of today. It isn't until she hears a familiar voice that she look up and ventures back to reality.

"Need a ride?" Kendall says with a smile.

Taylor looks up and sees Kendall leaning on the front of her car. Even Taylor can tell that despite Kendall's cheerful behavior this morning, that the girl is having a difficult time with two of her closest friends leaving for months.

Taylor's thankful that Kendall has Gigi around. And, the fact that she's going to be busy working back at Hysteria while checking in on the firm. She hopes that these few months would fly by.

For all of them.

"How did you know?" Taylor asks with a relieved smile as she turns and makes her way over to Kendall.

"Because," Kendall says as she takes the luggage out of Taylor's hand, replacing it with a coffee. "I was the one who drove you to your parents yesterday to drop the car off." She laughs, as she places Taylor's luggage in the back.

Taylor sips her coffee with a thankful smile. She watches as Kendall loads up her bags and then comes back to get in the car.

Once they're both in their seats and buckled, it's quiet for a moment. Kendall fumbles with the radio and air conditioner, and once she's settled she noticeably takes a deep breath and turns to Taylor.

Kendall is surprised to see the slightest hint of tears forming in Taylor's vibrant blue eyes.

"Don't cry Tay." She says softly, offering her a soft smile.

Taylor offers a weaker smile back, gently wiping at her eyes to not smear any makeup.

"I told myself that I wasn't going to." She begins as Kendall finally begins to pull out and head toward Karlie's. "Which is clichè, I know. But I know that seeing Karlie is going to make it harder. How is she doing?" Taylor asks as she turns her attention from the window and puts it back on Kendall.

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