Chapt. 5.1

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Taylor chapter

*authors note: pay attention to past and present, past will be announce in italic but written in normal text.*

"Hey Kendall, listen. I need you to call me back when you get this," Taylor sighs.

"It's time I address what I've been running from ever since I came to California." She adds, slowly crossing her dim hotel room to stare out the balcony door. She takes a long pause, looking at the night life outside, placing her right hand lightly on the glass in front of her, she gulps.

"It's time for me to come home."

She hangs up the voicemail and tosses her phone to the bed beside her. It's been a long Thursday, especially when she got the call that the jury was done deliberating and had reached a verdict.

Not guilty, Taylor won the case.

Everything that happened after that was a blur. When she heard the verdict and the courtroom erupted into cheers from the friends, family and some fans of her client, it was like the sound of the courtroom faded out and Taylor's world got tunnel vision. Her boss and partner in the case, Charles, had even hugged Taylor but she was unresponsive. Eventually the court room cleared and Taylor was left sitting there alone with a
$300,000 bank certified check in front of her.

She stands slowly, smoothing out her clothes before taking the check and packing it away in her brief case. By now she knows the media is gone, it's already getting dark outside and she has a lot on her mind.

After being able to call an uber and successfully depositing the large check into her account she heads back to the hotel.

Now she's been here for a few hours and after serious contemplating of what she should do, she decides to return home. Reaching over she takes the glass of wine she's been nursing and takes a longer pull at it. Her blouse that was perfectly tucked in this afternoon is now wrinkled and hanging loosely untucked. Her makeup is long gone and the bags that have developed in the last few months are an ominous reminder of the deep secret she's been keeping ever since she came out to California.

She takes another sip, still staring outside before sighing and turning around at the hotel room. Slowly, she begins to pack up all of her clothes into her luggage. It's quiet and that's what she needs right now.

Deciding to go home was a big choice to make. She knows she promised to stay here and stay away from Karlie, but the circumstances have changed within the last few days and life was finally catching up with her.

It takes about forty five minutes but Taylor feels relieved when she sees an incoming call from Kendall coming in. She must've gotten the voicemail Taylor left, indicating it was time.

"Kendall?" Taylor answers cautiously but is quickly dismissing that feeling when she hears her friends voice come through.

"Hey I'm so sorry I missed your call I was at the bar with a friend." Kendall explains quickly. Taylor is slightly confused when she glances at the clock and sees it's only after seven but that feeling fades when she remembers how New York is three hours ahead of California. "And no, before you say anything it wasn't with her." Kendall adds, not wanting Taylor to think Karlie was out drinking again.

"It's okay, did you end up getting my voicemail?" The lawyer responds in a hopeful tone.

"I did." Kendall verbally confirms, she pauses for a long moment before speaking again. "Are you sure you want to come home?" She asks in a quiet tone of voice.

A small smile forms on Taylor's face. Kendall is the only person who knows of Taylor big secret because she's been helping her handle it. Hearing the concern in Kendall's voice surprisingly makes Taylor feel calm. Knowing that she's referencing the fact that if Taylor were to come home she would have to face the truth, and she would have to tell Karlie that truth. This wasn't just coming home and back to the girl she's always loved, it was all of that and a lot more. It would be the hardest thing she's ever had to face head on, but she's ready.

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